Эмблема ФМЖД

18 чемпионат мира по шашкам-64

27 сентября - 5 октября 2004 г., Убайтаба (Бразилия)
1st Round
Kandaurov,Alexander      - Usenov,Zhandos            2-0   27-09-2004  0.55/0.58
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.a3-b4 b6-a5   2.b2-a3 c7-b6   3.a1-b2 b6-c5   4.e3-d4 c5xe3   5.f2xd4 d6-c5
   6.d4xb6 a5xc7   7.c3-d4 f6-e5   8.d4xf6 g7xe5   9.d2-e3 h8-g7  10.b2-c3 g7-f6
  11.c1-d2 a7-b6  12.g1-f2 c7-d6  13.g3-h4 b6-c5  14.f2-g3 b8-c7  15.b4-a5 c7-b6
  16.a5xc7 d6xb8  17.g3-f4 e5xg3  18.h2xf4 b8-a7  19.e1-f2 a7-b6  20.c3-d4 b6-a5
  21.d4xb6 a5xc7  22.d2-c3 e7-d6  23.e3-d4 d6-c5  24.d4xb6 c7xa5  25.c3-d4 f8-e7
  26.f2-e3 f6-g5  27.h4xf6 e7xg5  28.f4-e5 g5-h4  29.e3-f4 h6-g5  30.f4xh6 h4-g3
  31.h6-g7 g3-f2  32.g7-f8 f2-e1  33.a3-b4 a5xc3  34.d4xb2 e1-g3  35.e5-f6 g3-f2
  36.f6-g7 f2-a7  37.g7-h8 a7-g1  38.f8-d6 g1-a7  39.d6-h2 a7-g1  40.b2-c3 g1-a7
  41.h2-g1 a7-b8  42.c3-b4 b8-h2  43.b4-a5 d8-c7  44.g1-b6 c7-d6  45.b6-g1

Augusto Carvalho         - Francisco Jovino          1-1   27-09-2004  0.44/0.39
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-d4 d6-e5   2.a3-b4 h6-g5   3.g3-h4 b6-a5   4.b2-a3 g7-h6   5.f2-g3 g5-f4
   6.e1-f2 c7-b6   7.d2-e3 f4xd2   8.c3xe1 a5xc3   9.d4xb2 b6-c5  10.b2-c3 f8-g7
  11.c3-b4 c5-d4  12.c1-d2 b8-c7  13.b4-a5 h6-g5  14.a1-b2 g7-h6  15.b2-c3 d4xb2
  16.a3xc1 h8-g7  17.f2-e3 e5-d4  18.e3xc5 g5-f4  19.g3xe5 f6xb6  20.h2-g3 g7-f6
  21.g3-f4 b6-c5  22.d2-e3 c5-d4  23.e3xc5 c7-b6  24.a5xc7 d8xd4  25.g1-f2 d4-c3
  26.c1-d2 c3-b2  27.d2-c3 b2xd4  28.f4-g5 h6xf4  29.f2-e3 f4xd2  30.e1xg7 e7-f6
  31.g7xe5 a7-b6

Dijkstra,Theo            - Kuperman,Iser             1-1   27-09-2004  0.55/0.54
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-h4 b6-c5   2.c3-d4 c7-b6   3.f2-g3 b6-a5   4.d4xb6 a5xc7   5.a3-b4 f6-g5
   6.h4xf6 g7xe5   7.e3-f4 h8-g7   8.b2-c3 a7-b6   9.d2-e3 g7-f6  10.b4-a5 b6-c5
  11.g3-h4 e5xg3  12.h4xf2 d6-e5  13.h2-g3 c5-b4  14.e3-d4 b4xd2  15.e1xc3 e7-d6
  16.c3-b4 e5xc3  17.b4xd2 d6-c5  18.a1-b2 f8-e7  19.b2-c3 f6-e5  20.g3-h4 e7-f6
  21.f2-e3 c5-b4  22.g1-h2 c7-d6  23.e3-f4 e5xg3  24.h2xf4 f6-e5  25.a5-b6 e5xg3
  26.h4xf2 b8-a7  27.c3xa5 a7xc5  28.d2-e3 h6-g5  29.f2-g3 g5-h4  30.a5-b6 h4xd4
  31.b6-a7 d4-e3  32.a7-b8 d8-c7  33.b8-a7 c5-d4  34.c1-b2 d6-e5  35.a7-b8

Varik,Raido              - Anikeev,Yuri              0-2   27-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-h4 f6-g5   2.h4xf6 g7xe5   3.c3-d4 e5xc3   4.b2xd4 h6-g5   5.c1-b2 b6-a5
   6.h2-g3 g5-h4   7.g3-f4 h8-g7   8.b2-c3 a7-b6   9.d4-e5 b6-c5  10.a1-b2 b8-a7
  11.c3-d4 e7-f6  12.d4xb6 a7xc5  13.d2-c3 f6xd4  14.c3xe5 f8-e7  15.b2-c3 g7-f6
  16.e5xg7 e7-f6  17.g7xe5 c5-b4  18.a3xe7 d8xb2  19.e3-d4 a5-b4  20.f2-e3 b4-c3
  21.d4-e5 b2-c1  22.g1-f2 c3-b2  23.e5-f6 b2-a1  24.f6-e7 a1-d4  25.e3xc5 c1xd8

Grzesiak,Marcin          - Dosca,Ion                 0-2   27-09-2004
 There is probably a mistake in the notation of this game. To be checked.
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-f4 d6-c5   2.c3-b4 f6-g5   3.b4xd6 c7xg3   4.f2xf6 g7xe5   5.h2-g3 h8-g7
   6.a3-b4 g7-f6   7.b4-a5 b6-c5   8.e3-f4 e7-d6   9.b2-a3 b8-c7  10.a1-b2 f8-e7
  11.g1-h2 f6-g5  12.b2-c3 g5xe3  13.d2xf4 e7-f6  14.g3-h4 e5xg3  15.h2xf4 f6-e5
  16.c3-b4 e5xg3  17.h4xf2 c5-d4  18.c1-d2 h6-g5  19.d2-e3 d6-e5  20.e3xc5 c7-b6
  21.a5xc7 d8xd4  22.b4-c5 d4xb6  23.a3-b4 g5-h4  24.f2-g3 h4xf2  25.e1xg3 e5-d4
  26.b4-a5 b6-c5  27.g3-f4 d4-c3  28.f4-e5 c3-b2  29.e5-f6 b2-a1  30.f6-e7 c5-b4
  31.a5xc3 a1xd8

Francisco Marcelo        - Fernando Moretti          2-0   27-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-d4 f6-e5   2.d4xf6 g7xe5   3.a3-b4 e5-d4   4.e3xc5 b6xd4   5.d2-c3 d6-e5
   6.g3-f4 e5xg3   7.h2xf4 h8-g7   8.c3xe5 e7-f6   9.f2-g3 f6xd4  10.g1-h2 g7-f6
  11.f4-e5 h6-g5  12.e5xc3 f6-e5  13.b4-c5 f8-e7  14.c3-d4 e5xc3  15.b2xd4 c7-d6
  16.a1-b2 d6xb4  17.b2-a3 b8-c7  18.a3xc5 c7-d6  19.c1-b2 d6xb4  20.b2-a3 d8-c7
  21.a3xc5 g5-h4  22.d4-e5 h4xf2  23.e1xg3 c7-b6  24.e5-d6 b6xd4  25.d6xf8 d4-c3
  26.g3-f4 c3-d2  27.f8-g7 d2-e1  28.f4-g5

Ten,Valery               - Belosheev,Sergey          1-1   27-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-f4 f6-g5   2.c3-b4 g7-f6   3.b2-c3 f6-e5   4.b4-a5 e5xg3   5.f2xf6 e7xg5
   6.c3-d4 h8-g7   7.e1-f2 f8-e7   8.a1-b2 g7-f6   9.d4-c5 b6xd4  10.e3xc5 d6xb4
  11.a5xc3 a7-b6  12.a3-b4 f6-e5  13.b2-a3 e7-d6  14.b4-a5 e5-f4  15.d2-e3 f4xb4
  16.a3xa7 d6-e5  17.f2-g3 d8-e7  18.g3-h4 g5-f4  19.g1-f2 e7-f6  20.f2-e3 f4xd2
  21.c1xe3 h6-g5  22.h2-g3 c7-d6  23.g3-f4 e5xg3  24.h4xf2 f6-e5  25.a5-b6 e5-f4
  26.e3-d4 d6-c5  27.f2-e3 f4xd2  28.b6-c7

Usenov,Zhandos           - Kandaurov,Alexander       0-2   27-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.a3-b4 b6-a5   2.b2-a3 d6-e5   3.e3-d4 h6-g5   4.g3-f4 g5xc5   5.b4xf4 g7-h6
   6.a1-b2 e7-d6   7.d2-e3 d6-c5   8.f4-e5 f6xd4   9.c3xe5 c7-b6  10.e3-d4 c5xe3
  11.f2xd4 b6-c5  12.d4xb6 a7xc5  13.c1-d2 h8-g7  14.h2-g3 f8-e7  15.g1-f2 b8-a7
  16.g3-h4 e7-f6  17.d2-c3 f6xd4  18.c3xe5 d8-c7  19.e1-d2 c7-b6  20.f2-g3 c5-b4
  21.a3xc5 b6xf6  22.g3-f4 a7-b6  23.d2-c3 b6-c5

Fernando Moreti          - Francisco Marcelo         0-2   27-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-d4 f6-e5   2.d4xf6 e7xg5   3.a3-b4 b6-c5   4.b2-a3 g5-h4   5.g3-f4 d6-e5
   6.f4xd6 c5xe7   7.e3-d4 h6-g5   8.b4-a5 g7-h6   9.h2-g3 e7-f6  10.d2-e3 f6-e5
  11.d4xf6 g5xe7  12.a1-b2 h8-g7  13.b2-c3 e7-d6  14.c3-d4 d6-c5  15.d4xb6 a7xc5
  16.c1-b2 g7-f6  17.b2-c3 f8-e7  18.c3-b4 e7-d6  19.e3-d4 c5xe3  20.f2xd4 h4xf2
  21.e1xg3 d6-e5  22.g3-h4 e5xc3  23.b4xd2 f6-e5  24.g1-h2 e5-d4  25.d2-c3 d4xb2
  26.a3xc1 d8-e7  27.c1-d2 c7-d6  28.h2-g3 e7-f6  29.g3-f4 b8-c7  30.h4-g5 f6xh4
  31.d2-e3 d6-c5  32.f4-e5 h6-g5  33.e3-f4 g5xe3  34.e5-f6 e3-f2  35.f6-g7 f2-g1
  36.g7-f8 c7-d6  37.f8-h6 h4-g3  38.h6-c1 g1-d4  39.c1-h6 g3-h2  40.h6-f4 h2-g1

Anikeev,Yuri             - Varik,Raido               1-1   27-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-h4 f6-g5   2.h4xf6 g7xe5   3.a3-b4 b6-c5   4.b2-a3 e5-f4   5.e3xg5 h6xf4
   6.f2-g3 h8-g7   7.g3xe5 d6xf4   8.b4xd6 e7xc5   9.a1-b2 a7-b6  10.c3-b4 d8-e7
  11.b4xd6 c7xe5  12.d2-e3 f4xd2  13.c1xe3 e7-d6  14.b2-c3 b6-a5  15.h2-g3 b8-c7
  16.a3-b4 f8-e7  17.g3-h4 c7-b6  18.h4-g5 e5-f4  19.g5-h6 f4xd2  20.h6xf8 d2-c1
  21.f8-h6 b6-c5  22.g1-f2 c5xa3  23.f2-e3 c1xf4  24.h6xc1

Dosca,Ion                - Grzeciak,Marcin           1-1   27-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-f4 d6-c5   2.c3-b4 f6-g5   3.b4xd6 c7xg3   4.f2xf6 g7xe5   5.h2-g3 h8-g7
   6.a3-b4 g7-f6   7.b4-a5 f6-g5   8.a5xc7 b8xd6   9.e3-d4 e5xc3  10.b2xd4 e7-f6
  11.d2-e3 d8-c7  12.g3-f4 c7-b6  13.a1-b2 b6-a5  14.b2-c3 d6-c5  15.d4xb6 a5xc7
  16.c1-b2 f8-e7  17.e1-f2 c7-b6  18.c3-d4 b6-c5  19.d4xb6 a7xc5  20.b2-c3 e7-d6
  21.c3-d4 g5-h4  22.d4xb6 f6-e5  23.b6-a7 e5xe1  24.a7-b8 d6-e5  25.b8xh2

Kuperman,Iser            - Dijkstra,Theo             1-1   27-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-h4 b6-c5   2.h2-g3 a7-b6   3.c3-b4 b6-a5   4.g1-h2 a5xc3   5.b2xb6 c7xa5
   6.a1-b2 d6-c5   7.b2-c3 b8-a7   8.c3-d4 c5-b4   9.a3xc5 f6-g5  10.h4xf6 g7xc3
  11.d2xb4 a5xc3  12.e3-f4 e7-d6  13.c5xe7 f8xd6  14.f4-g5 h6xf4  15.g3xc7 d8xb6
  16.h2-g3 b6-c5  17.g3-f4 c5-b4  18.f4-g5 b4-a3  19.g5-f6 c3-b2  20.f6-e7 b2-a1
  21.e7-d8 h8-g7  22.f2-e3 g7-h6  23.e3-f4 a1-d4  24.d8-c7 d4-f6  25.c7-d8

Francisco Jovino         - Augusto Carvalho          1-1   27-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-d4 d6-e5   2.a3-b4 h6-g5   3.g3-h4 b6-a5   4.f2-e3 c7-d6   5.b2-a3 b8-c7
   6.g1-f2 g7-h6   7.b4-c5 d6xb4   8.a3xc5 c7-d6   9.a1-b2 d6xb4  10.b2-a3 d8-c7
  11.a3xc5 c7-d6  12.c1-b2 d6xb4  13.b2-a3 g5-f4  14.e3xg5 h6xf4  15.a3xc5 f4-g3
  16.h2xd6 a7-b6  17.c5xa7 e7xc1  18.a7-b8 c1-d2  19.b8-g3 d2xb4  20.e1-d2 b4xe1
  21.g3-b8 e1xg3  22.h4xf2 a5-b4  23.f2-e3 b4-a3  24.e3-d4 a3-b2  25.d4-c5 b2-c1
  26.c5-b6 c1-e3  27.b6-a7 e3-g1  28.b8-h2 f8-g7  29.a7-b8 g1-a7  30.h2-d6 g7-h6

Belosheev,Sergey         - Ten,Valery                2-0   27-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-f4 f6-g5   2.c3-b4 g7-f6   3.h2-g3 g5-h4   4.b4-c5 b6xd4   5.e3xc5 d6xb4
   6.a3xc5 h8-g7   7.b2-c3 c7-b6   8.c3-d4 f6-g5   9.a1-b2 g5xe3  10.d2xf4 g7-f6
  11.f2-e3 h4xf2  12.e1xg3 d8-c7  13.f4-e5 e7-d6  14.c5xg5 h6xd6  15.g1-f2 f8-e7
  16.g3-f4 b6-a5  17.b2-a3 a7-b6  18.d4-e5 b6-c5  19.e5-f6 e7xg5  20.f4xh6 d6-e5
  21.h6-g7 b8-a7  22.g7-h8 c7-d6  23.h8xb6 a7xc5  24.e3-f4 c5-d4  25.c1-b2 d6-c5
  26.f2-g3 a5-b4  27.f4-e5 d4xf6  28.g3-f4 f6-e5  29.f4xd6 c5xe7  30.a3xc5 e7-f6
  31.c5-d6 f6-g5  32.d6-c7 g5-f4  33.c7-b8 f4-e3  34.b8-a7

2nd Round 

Fernando Moretti         - Ten,Valery                1-1   28-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-h4 b6-a5   2.c3-d4 f6-g5   3.h4xf6 g7xc3   4.d2xb4 a5xc3   5.b2xd4 h6-g5
   6.a3-b4 g5-h4   7.b4-a5 d6-c5   8.d4xb6 a7xc5   9.a1-b2 h8-g7  10.b2-c3 c5-b4
  11.c3-d4 b4-a3  12.h2-g3 g7-h6  13.g3-f4 h6-g5  14.f4xh6 f8-g7  15.h6xd6 c7xc3
  16.e1-d2 c3xg3  17.g1-h2 b8-c7  18.h2xf4 c7-b6  19.a5xc7 d8xb6  20.f4-e5 h4-g3
  21.e5-f6 g3-h2  22.e3-f4 h2-g1  23.f6-g7 a3-b2  24.c1xa3 b6-c5

Dijkstra,Theo            - Augusto Carvalho          0-2   28-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-b4 b6-c5   2.b2-c3 f6-g5   3.g3-f4 g7-f6   4.b4-a5 c5-b4   5.a3xc5 d6xb4
   6.f2-g3 b4-a3   7.c3-d4 g5-h4   8.f4-e5 h4xf2   9.e5xg7 h8xf6  10.e1xg3 f6-g5
  11.g1-f2 g5-h4  12.a1-b2 e7-f6  13.g3-f4 f6-g5  14.b2-c3 f8-e7  15.d4-e5 e7-d6
  16.h2-g3 d6-c5  17.c3-b4 c5-d4  18.e5xc3 a3xc5  19.c3-d4 c7-d6  20.d4xb6 a7xc5
  21.d2-c3 c5-b4  22.c3-d4 b4-a3  23.a5-b6 b8-a7  24.c1-d2 a7xc5  25.d4xb6 a3-b2
  26.d2-c3 b2xd4  27.e3xe7 g5xg1

Usenov,Zhandos           - Varik,Raido               1-1   28-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-h4 b6-a5   2.c3-d4 h6-g5   3.d4-c5 d6xb4   4.a3xc5 c7-b6   5.c5-d6 e7xc5
   6.e3-d4 c5xe3   7.d2xh6 b6-c5   8.f2-e3 a7-b6   9.g1-f2 a5-b4  10.b2-a3 f6-e5
  11.f2-g3 b6-a5  12.g3-f4 e5xg3  13.h4xf2 c5-d4  14.a3xc5 d4xb6  15.h2-g3 g7-f6
  16.a1-b2 b6-c5  17.b2-c3 d8-e7  18.c1-b2 f6-e5  19.e3-f4 c5-b4  20.f4xd6 e7xc5
  21.g3-f4 b4xd2  22.e1xc3 h8-g7  23.f4-e5 c5-b4  24.e5-d6 b4xd2  25.f2-e3 d2xf4
  26.d6-e7 f8xd6  27.h6xf8

Anykeev,Youri            - Kuperman,Iser             2-0   28-09-2044
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-f4 b6-a5   2.c3-b4 a5xc3   3.d2xb4 f6-g5   4.b4-c5 d6xb4   5.a3xc5 c7-b6
   6.h2-g3 b6xd4   7.e3xc5 g5xe3   8.f2xd4 e7-d6   9.c5xe7 f8xd6  10.g3-f4 g7-f6
  11.c1-d2 d6-c5  12.d4xb6 a7xc5  13.b2-c3 d8-c7  14.d2-e3 c7-d6  15.e1-f2 f6-g5
  16.a1-b2 h8-g7  17.f2-g3 g7-f6  18.g3-h4 b8-c7  19.b2-a3 c7-b6  20.g1-h2 b6-a5
  21.c3-d4 a5-b4  22.d4xb6 b4-c3  23.h2-g3

Ten,Valery               - Fernando Moretti          1-1   28-09-2044
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-h4 b6-a5   2.c3-d4 f6-g5   3.h4xf6 g7xc3   4.b2xd4 h6-g5   5.h2-g3 g5-h4
   6.a1-b2 h8-g7   7.g3-f4 g7-h6   8.b2-c3 c7-b6   9.g1-h2 b6-c5  10.d4xb6 a7xc5
  11.c3-d4 b8-a7  12.d4xb6 a7xc5  13.d2-c3 h6-g5  14.f4xh6 c5-b4  15.a3xc5 d6xf4
  16.f2-g3 h4xf2  17.e1xe5

Belocheev,Sergey         - Dosca,Ion                 1-1   28-09-2044
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-b4 f6-e5   2.e3-f4 e7-f6   3.b4-a5 f6-g5   4.f2-e3 b6-c5   5.g3-h4 e5xg3
   6.h4xf2 g5-f4   7.e3xg5 h6xf4   8.b2-c3 g7-f6   9.c3-b4 h8-g7  10.f2-g3 d8-e7
  11.g3xe5 d6xf4  12.b4xd6 e7xc5  13.a1-b2 c7-b6  14.a5xc7 b8xd6  15.d2-e3 f4xd2
  16.c1xe3 d6-e5  17.b2-c3 e5-d4  18.c3xe5 f6xf2  19.g1xe3 a7-b6  20.e1-d2 g7-f6

Kandaurov,Alexander      - Francisco Marcelo         1-1   28-09-2044
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.a3-b4 b6-c5   2.b2-a3 f6-e5   3.e3-f4 g7-f6   4.b4-a5 f6-g5   5.g3-h4 g5xe3
   6.f2xf6 e7xg5   7.h4xf6 c5-d4   8.c3xe5 d6xf4   9.g1-f2 f8-e7  10.f2-g3 e7xg5
  11.g3xe5 c7-b6  12.a5xc7 b8xf4  13.e1-f2 h8-g7  14.a3-b4 a7-b6  15.b4-c5 b6xd4
  16.d2-e3 f4xd2  17.c1xc5 d8-c7  18.a1-b2 g5-f4  19.b2-c3 g7-f6  20.c3-b4 h6-g5
  21.b4-a5 g5-h4

Grzesiak,Marcin          - Francisco Jovino          1-1   28-09-2044
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-d4 d6-e5   2.b2-c3 e7-d6   3.e3-f4 b6-a5   4.f2-e3 c7-b6   5.c1-b2 b6-c5
   6.d4xb6 a5xc7   7.e3-d4 a7-b6   8.a3-b4 b6-a5   9.b2-a3 c7-b6  10.a1-b2 d6-c5
  11.b4xd6 e5xc7  12.f4-e5 h6-g5  13.g3-h4 f8-e7  14.a3-b4 g7-h6  15.e5xg7 h8xf6
  16.b4-c5 b8-a7  17.d4-e5 b6xd4  18.e5xg7 h6xf8  19.c3xe5 a7-b6  20.h4xf6 e7xg5
  21.g1-f2 b6-c5  22.d2-c3 f8-g7  23.f2-e3 g5-h4  24.c3-d4 c5-b4  25.h2-g3 h4xf2
  26.e1xg3 g7-h6  27.b2-a3 b4-c3  28.d4xb2 a5-b4  29.a3xc5 c7-d6  30.e5xc7 d8xh4
  31.b2-c3 h4-g3  32.c3-d4 g3-f2  33.d4-e5 f2-e1  34.e5-d6

Kuperman,Iser            - Anykeev,Youri             1-1   28-09-2044
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-f4 b6-a5   2.c3-d4 f6-e5   3.d4xf6 g7xg3   4.h2xf4 h8-g7   5.a3-b4 a5xc3
   6.b2xd4 g7-f6   7.d4-c5 d6xb4   8.f4-e5 f6xd4   9.e3xa3 e7-f6  10.a1-b2 a7-b6
  11.b2-c3 c7-d6  12.d2-e3 d8-e7  13.f2-g3 b6-a5  14.c1-d2 b8-a7  15.g3-f4 a7-b6
  16.c3-d4 b6-c5  17.d4xb6 a5xc7  18.d2-c3 f6-e5  19.g1-h2 e5xg3  20.h2xf4 d6-c5
  21.e1-d2 c7-d6  22.c3-d4 c5-b4  23.a3xc5 d6xb4  24.d2-c3 b4xd2  25.e3xc1 e7-d6

Kandaurov,Alexander      - Francisco Marcelo         1-1   28-09-2044
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.a3-b4 b6-c5   2.b4-a5 c5-b4   3.c3-d4 b4-a3   4.b2-c3 f6-g5   5.g3-h4 g7-f6
   6.f2-g3 d6-e5   7.g3-f4 e5xg3   8.h2xf4 e7-d6   9.e1-f2 f8-g7  10.c3-b4 a3xc5
  11.d4xb6 a7xc5  12.f2-g3 c5-b4  13.a5xc3 d6-c5  14.g1-f2 b8-a7  15.c3-d4 c5-b4
  16.d2-c3 b4xd2  17.d4-e5 f6xd4  18.h4xf6 g7xe5  19.f4xb8 d2xh2  20.f2-g3 h2xf4
  21.b8xh2 d4-c3  22.h2-f4 d8-c7  23.f4xb8 h6-g5  24.b8-c7 g5-h4  25.c7-a5 c3-b2
  26.c1xa3 h4-g3  27.a3-b4 g3-f2  28.b4-c5 f2-e1  29.c5-d6 e1-h4  30.d6-c7 a7-b6

Varik,Raido              - Usenov,Zhandos            1-1   28-09-2044
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-h4 b6-a5   2.f2-g3 c7-b6   3.c3-d4 f6-g5   4.h4xf6 g7xc3   5.b2xd4 b6-c5
   6.d4xb6 a5xc7   7.a1-b2 h8-g7   8.b2-c3 g7-f6   9.g3-h4 a7-b6  10.h2-g3 b6-a5
  11.g1-h2 c7-b6  12.e3-f4 f6-g5  13.h4xf6 e7xe3  14.d2xf4 d8-e7  15.f4-e5 d6xf4
  16.g3xe5 e7-d6  17.e5xc7 b8xd6  18.h2-g3 f8-e7  19.g3-f4 b6-c5  20.c1-d2 e7-f6

Augusto Carvalho         - Dijkstra,Theo             2-0   28-09-2044
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-b4 b6-c5   2.b2-c3 f6-g5   3.c3-d4 g7-f6   4.d4xb6 c7xc3   5.d2xb4 g5-h4
   6.a1-b2 f6-e5   7.g3-f4 e5xg3   8.h2xf4 h8-g7   9.b4-c5 d6xb4  10.a3xc5 e7-d6
  11.c5xe7 f8xd6  12.e3-d4 d6-c5  13.d4xb6 a7xc5  14.b2-c3 d8-c7  15.f2-e3 g7-f6
  16.e1-d2 f6-g5  17.g1-f2 c7-b6  18.c3-d4 c5-b4  19.f4-e5 b8-c7  20.c1-b2 b4-a3
  21.b2-c3 g5-f4  22.e5xg3 b6-a5  23.d4-c5 a5-b4  24.c3xa5 a3-b2  25.c5-b6 c7-d6
  26.b6-a7 b2-a1  27.g3-f4 a1-b2  28.a7-b8 b2-a1  29.b8xe5 a1xg7  30.a5-b6 g7-f8
  31.b6-c7 f8-a3  32.c7-b8 a3-c1  33.d2-c3 c1-a3  34.c3-d4

Dosca,Ion                - Belosheev,Sergey          1-1   28-09-2044
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-b4 f6-e5   2.e3-f4 e7-f6   3.b4-a5 f6-g5   4.b2-c3 g5xe3   5.f2xf6 g7xe5
   6.g3-h4 h8-g7   7.e1-f2 g7-f6   8.h2-g3 d6-c5   9.c3-b4 e5-d4  10.b4xd6 c7xe5
  11.a5xc7 b8xd6  12.d2-c3 d4xb2  13.a1xc3 d6-c5  14.f2-e3 f8-e7  15.c1-d2 e7-d6
  16.c3-b4 e5-d4  17.g3-f4 d4xf2  18.g1xe3 a7-b6  19.f4-g5 h6xf4  20.e3xe7 d8xf6

Francisco Jovino         - Grzesiak,Marcin           1-1   28-09-2044
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-d4 d6-e5   2.b2-c3 e7-d6   3.e3-f4 b6-a5   4.f2-e3 c7-b6   5.c1-b2 b6-c5
   6.d4xb6 a5xc7   7.e3-d4 a7-b6   8.a3-b4 b6-a5   9.b4-c5 d6xb4  10.f4xd6 c7xe5
  11.b2-a3 h6-g5  12.a3xc5 g5-f4  13.g1-f2 b8-a7  14.g3-h4 g7-h6  15.f2-g3 f8-g7
  16.a1-b2 a7-b6  17.c5xa7 a5-b4  18.c3xa5 e5xa1  19.g3xe5 f6xd4  20.e1-f2 g7-f6
  21.a7-b8 f6-g5  22.h4xf6 d8-c7  23.b8xc3 a1xg7  24.d2-e3 h6-g5  25.a5-b6

3rd Round 

Usenov,Zhandos           - Kuperman,Iser             0-2   29-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-d4 d6-c5   2.d2-e3 c7-d6   3.c3-b4 b6-a5   4.d4xb6 a5xc7   5.b4-c5 d6xb4
   6.a3xc5 h6-g5   7.g3-h4 c7-b6   8.c1-d2 b6xd4   9.e3xc5 g5-f4  10.f2-e3 g7-h6
  11.e3xg5 h6xf4  12.g1-f2 f6-e5  13.f2-e3 e5-d4  14.e3xg5 d4xb6  15.b2-c3 h8-g7
  16.e1-f2 g7-f6  17.a1-b2 b8-c7  18.f2-e3 c7-d6  19.h2-g3 b6-a5  20.g5-h6 d6-c5
  21.g3-f4 a5-b4  22.c3xa5 c5-d4  23.e3xc5 f6-g5  24.h4xf6 e7xa3  25.c5-d6 a3-b2
  26.d6-c7 d8xb6  27.a5xc7 a7-b6  28.c7xa5 b2-a1

Augusto Carvalho         - Dosca,Ion                 1-1   29-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-f4 d6-c5   2.c3-b4 f6-g5   3.b4xd6 e7xc5   4.g3-h4 g5xe3   5.d2xf4 b6-a5
   6.b2-c3 c7-b6   7.f2-g3 c5-b4   8.a3xc5 b6xb2   9.a1xc3 a7-b6  10.g1-f2 b6-c5
  11.f2-e3 g7-f6  12.e1-d2 h8-g7  13.f4-g5 h6xf4  14.e3xe7 d8xf6  15.c3-d4 c5xe3

Dijkstra,Theo            - Fernando Moretti          1-1   29-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-h4 d6-e5   2.f2-g3 e5-f4   3.e3xg5 h6xf4   4.g3xe5 f6xd4   5.c3xe5 e7-d6
   6.g1-f2 d6xf4   7.f2-g3 d8-e7   8.g3xe5 b6-c5   9.b2-c3 c5-d4  10.a1-b2 d4xf6
  11.c3-d4 e7-d6  12.b2-c3 a7-b6  13.e1-f2 d6-c5  14.f2-g3 c5xe3  15.d2xf4 c7-d6
  16.c1-d2 d6-e5  17.f4xd6 f6-g5  18.h4xf6 g7xc7  19.c3-d4 h8-g7  20.a3-b4 c7-d6
  21.d4-e5 d6xf4  22.g3xe5 b8-c7  23.h2-g3 g7-f6  24.e5xg7 f8xh6  25.d2-e3 h6-g5
  26.b4-a5 g5-h4  27.g3-f4 b6-c5  28.f4-e5 h4-g3  29.e5-f6 g3-h2  30.f6-e7 c5-d4
  31.e3xc5 h2-g1

Fernando Moretti         - Dijkstra,Theo             2-0   29-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-h4 d6-e5   2.a3-b4 b6-a5   3.e3-d4 h6-g5   4.b4-c5 g5-f4   5.f2-e3 g7-h6
   6.e3xg5 h6xf4   7.b2-a3 c7-d6   8.e1-f2 d6xb4   9.a3xc5 a7-b6  10.c5xa7 a5-b4
  11.c3xa5 e5xg3  12.h4xf2 d8-c7  13.a1-b2 e7-d6  14.b2-c3 f6-e5  15.c3-b4 h8-g7
  16.c1-d2 g7-h6  17.f2-g3 h6-g5  18.d2-c3 e5-d4  19.c3xe5 f4-e3  20.g3-h4 d6xf4
  21.h4xf6 e3-d2  22.f6-e7 f8xd6  23.b4-c5 d6xb4  24.a5xe1 f4-e3  25.h2-g3 c7-d6
  26.g3-h4 d6-e5  27.h4-g5 e5-d4  28.g5-h6 d4-c3  29.h6-g7 e3-d2  30.g7-h8 d2-c1
  31.h8xa1 c1-h6  32.a1-b2 h6-c1  33.b2-a3 c1-h6  34.a3-c1 h6-g7  35.c1-e3 g7-h8
  36.e3-c5 h8-g7  37.e1-f2 g7-f8  38.c5-a3 f8-g7  39.f2-g3 g7-h8  40.g3-f4 h8-c3
  41.g1-h2 c3-g7  42.a3-c5 g7-f8  43.c5-e7 f8xg3  44.h2xf4

Francisco Marcelo        - Belosheev,Sergey          1-1   29-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-d4 h6-g5   2.g3-h4 g7-h6   3.d4-c5 b6xd4   4.e3xc5 d6xb4   5.a3xc5 c7-d6
   6.b2-c3 d6xb4   7.c3xa5 g5-f4   8.a1-b2 f8-g7   9.b2-c3 b8-c7  10.c3-b4 f6-g5
  11.h4xf6 g7xe5  12.f2-g3 h8-g7  13.g1-f2 e7-d6  14.b4-c5 d6xb4  15.a5xc3 e5-d4
  16.c3xe5 f4xd6

Kuperman,Iser            - Usenov,Zhandos            0-2   29-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-d4 d6-c5   2.d2-e3 c7-d6   3.c3-b4 b6-a5   4.d4xb6 a5xc7   5.b2-c3 f6-e5
   6.c1-d2 g7-f6   7.b4-c5 d6xb4   8.c3xa5 f6-g5   9.g3-f4 e5xg3  10.f2xf6 e7xg5
  11.e3-d4 g5-f4  12.a1-b2 h8-g7  13.b2-c3 g7-f6  14.e1-f2 f6-g5  15.f2-e3 f8-e7
  16.g1-f2 g5-h4  17.e3xg5 h4xf6  18.h2-g3 f6-g5  19.a3-b4 e7-d6  20.d2-e3 a7-b6
  21.d4-c5 b6xb2  22.b4-c5 d6xb4  23.a5xa1 c7-d6

Ten,Valery               - Grzesiak,Marcin           0-2   29-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-d4 h6-g5   2.g3-h4 b6-a5   3.d4-c5 d6xb4   4.a3xc5 c7-b6   5.c5-d6 e7xc5
   6.e3-d4 c5xe3   7.d2xh6 b6-c5   8.f2-e3 b8-c7   9.h2-g3 c7-d6  10.b2-a3 f6-e5
  11.a1-b2 c5-d4  12.e3xe7 f8xd6  13.h6xf8 d6-c5  14.f8xb4 a5xa1  15.h4-g5 a1-d4
  16.g3-h4 d4-c5  17.e1-d2 c5-f8  18.g5-h6 a7-b6  19.d2-e3 f8-d6  20.g1-h2 b6-c5
  21.h4-g5 d6-f8  22.h2-g3 e5-d4  23.e3-f4 d4-e3  24.f4xd2 c5-b4  25.a3xc5 f8xe7

Belocheev,Sergey         - Francisco Marcelo         1-1   29-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-d4 h6-g5   2.g3-f4 g7-h6   3.h2-g3 g5-h4   4.d4-c5 b6xd4   5.e3xc5 d6xb4
   6.a3xc5 f6-g5   7.b2-c3 g5xe3   8.f2xd4 h4xf2   9.e1xg3 e7-d6  10.c5xe7 f8xd6
  11.g3-f4 d6-c5  12.d4xb6 a7xc5  13.d2-e3 h8-g7  14.a1-b2 g7-f6  15.c1-d2 c7-b6
  16.c3-d4 b8-a7  17.d2-c3 b6-a5  18.d4xb6 a7xc5  19.b2-a3 d8-e7  20.c3-d4 e7-d6
  21.d4xb6 a5xc7

Anykeev,Youri            - Kandaurov,Alexander       1-1   29-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-d4 d6-c5   2.d2-e3 c7-d6   3.c3-b4 b6-a5   4.d4xb6 a5xc7   5.b4-c5 d6xb4
   6.a3xc5 f6-g5   7.b2-c3 g7-f6   8.a1-b2 g5-h4   9.g3-f4 f6-g5  10.b2-a3 c7-b6
  11.c1-b2 b6xd4  12.c3xe5 a7-b6  13.b2-c3 h8-g7  14.h2-g3 d8-c7  15.c3-d4 e7-d6
  16.e1-d2 b6-a5  17.d4-c5 d6xb4  18.a3xc5 c7-d6  19.c5xe7 f8xd6  20.e5xc7 b8xd6
  21.d2-c3 g7-f6  22.c3-d4 f6-e5  23.d4xf6 g5xe7  24.e3-d4

Kandaurov,Alexander      - Anykeev,Youri             0-2   29-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-d4 d6-c5   2.d2-e3 h6-g5   3.g3-h4 e7-d6   4.f2-g3 g7-h6   5.e3-f4 g5xe3
   6.d4xf2 b6-a5   7.f2-e3 f8-e7   8.c3-d4 c7-b6   9.g3-f4 f6-g5  10.h4xf6 e7xg5
  11.h2-g3 g5-h4  12.b2-c3 h4xf2  13.e1xg3 d8-e7  14.c1-d2 c5-b4  15.a3xc5 d6xb4
  16.g1-h2 b4-a3  17.f4-g5 h6xf4  18.e3xg5 b6-c5  19.d4xb6 a7xc5  20.g3-h4 e7-d6
  21.g5-f6 b8-c7

Dosca,Ion                - Augusto Carvalho          1-1   29-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-f4 d6-c5   2.c3-b4 e7-d6   3.b4-a5 f8-e7   4.b2-c3 c5-b4   5.a3xc5 b6xb2
   6.a1xc3 d6-c5   7.g3-h4 f6-g5   8.h4xf6 g7xg3   9.h2xf4 h8-g7  10.f2-g3 g7-f6
  11.d2-e3 c5-b4  12.e1-d2 b4-a3  13.g3-h4 e7-d6  14.g1-h2 d6-e5  15.f4xd6 c7xe5
  16.e3-f4 e5xg3  17.h2xf4

Francisco Jovino         - Varik,Raido               1-1   29-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-d4 f6-e5   2.d4xf6 g7xe5   3.g3-h4 b6-c5   4.c3-b4 a7-b6   5.b4-a5 b8-a7
   6.f2-g3 h8-g7   7.b2-c3 c5-b4   8.a3xc5 b6xb2   9.a1xc3 c7-b6  10.a5xc7 d6xb8
  11.g1-f2 a7-b6  12.f2-e3 g7-f6  13.e3-f4 b6-a5  14.f4xd6 e7xc5  15.e1-f2 b8-c7
  16.f2-e3 c7-d6  17.c3-d4 f8-e7  18.d4xb6 a5xc7  19.e3-f4 f6-g5  20.h4xf6 e7xe3
  21.d2xf4 d8-e7  22.f4-e5 d6xf4  23.g3xe5 e7-f6  24.e5xg7 h6xf8  25.c1-d2 c7-d6

Varik,Raido              - Francisco Jovino          1-1   29-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-d4 f6-e5   2.d4xf6 e7xg5   3.a3-b4 g5-h4   4.b4-a5 h6-g5   5.b2-a3 g7-h6
   6.c3-b4 h8-g7   7.a1-b2 d6-e5   8.b2-c3 g5-f4   9.d2-e3 f4xd2  10.c1xe3 g7-f6
  11.e3-d4 f6-g5  12.d4xf6 g5xe7  13.g3-f4 e7-d6  14.f4-e5 d6xf4  15.f2-g3 h4xf2
  16.e1xe5 f8-e7  17.g1-f2 e7-d6  18.f2-g3 d6xf4  19.g3xe5 d8-e7  20.h2-g3 e7-d6
  21.g3-f4 b6-c5  22.a5-b6 c7xa5  23.e5xc7 b8xd6  24.f4-e5 d6xf4  25.b4xd6 f4-e3

4th Round 

Fernando Moretti         - Grzesiak,Marcin           1-1   30-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-f4 f6-g5   2.c3-b4 g7-f6   3.b2-c3 f6-e5   4.c1-b2 e5xg3   5.f2xf6 e7xg5
   6.c3-d4 b6-c5   7.d4xb6 c7xc3   8.b2xd4 a7-b6   9.h2-g3 d6-c5  10.d2-c3 h8-g7
  11.g3-f4 g7-f6  12.g1-f2 d8-c7  13.f2-g3 c7-d6  14.g3-h4 b8-a7  15.a1-b2 b6-a5
  16.d4xb6 a7xc5  17.e1-d2 a5-b4  18.c3xa5 c5-d4  19.e3xe7 g5xc1  20.e7xg5 h6xf4
  21.a5-b6 c1-e3

Grzesiak,Marcin          - Fernando Moretti          0-2   30-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-f4 f6-g5   2.c3-d4 b6-a5   3.d4-c5 d6xb4   4.a3xc5 g7-f6   5.b2-c3 h8-g7
   6.c3-d4 g5-h4   7.a1-b2 c7-d6   8.b2-a3 d6xb4   9.a3xc5 f6-g5  10.d2-c3 e7-d6
  11.c5xe7 f8xd6  12.d4-e5 d8-c7  13.c1-b2 c7-b6  14.e5xc7 b8xd6  15.c3-d4 b6-c5
  16.d4xb6 a5xc7  17.b2-c3 a7-b6  18.c3-d4 d6-c5  19.d4-e5 c5-b4  20.e1-d2 b4-a3
  21.h2-g3 b6-c5  22.d2-c3 c7-b6  23.e5-f6 g5xe7  24.f4-e5 g7-f6  25.e5xg7 h6xf8
  26.e3-d4 c5xe3  27.f2xd4 h4xf2  28.g1xe3 e7-d6

Ten,Valery               - Dijkstra,Theo             2-0   30-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-d4 b6-a5   2.d4-c5 d6xb4   3.a3xc5 f6-g5   4.c3-d4 g5-h4   5.d2-e3 g7-f6
   6.e3-f4 f6-g5   7.e1-d2 g5xe3   8.d2xf4 c7-b6   9.f4-e5 d8-c7  10.g3-f4 c7-d6
  11.e5xc7 b8xb4  12.b2-a3 b6-c5  13.d4xb6 a5xc7  14.a3xc5 c7-d6  15.c1-d2 d6xb4
  16.f2-g3 h4xf2  17.g1xe3 e7-d6  18.h2-g3 a7-b6  19.e3-d4 b6-a5  20.g3-h4 d6-c5
  21.d4xb6 a5xc7  22.a1-b2 f8-e7  23.b2-c3 b4-a3  24.d2-e3 e7-f6  25.e3-d4 c7-b6
  26.f4-e5 h6-g5  27.e5xg7 h8xf6

Augusto Carvalho         - Francisco Marcelo         1-1   30-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.a3-b4 f6-e5   2.b4-c5 b6xd4   3.e3xc5 d6xb4   4.c3xa5 h6-g5   5.d2-e3 g5-h4
   6.g3-f4 e5xg3   7.h2xf4 g7-f6   8.b2-c3 f6-e5   9.f4xd6 c7xe5  10.c3-d4 e5xc3
  11.c1-b2 c3-d2  12.e1xc3 h8-g7  13.c3-d4 g7-f6  14.b2-c3 f6-e5  15.d4xf6 e7xg5
  16.g1-h2 g5-f4  17.e3xg5 h4xf6  18.f2-e3 a7-b6  19.a5xc7 d8xb6  20.a1-b2 b6-c5

Varik,Raido              - Kuperman,Iser             1-1   30-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-f4 f6-g5   2.c3-d4 g7-f6   3.h2-g3 g5-h4   4.d4-c5 b6xd4   5.e3xc5 d6xb4
   6.a3xc5 h8-g7   7.b2-c3 c7-d6   8.c3-b4 d8-c7   9.d2-e3 d6-e5  10.f4xd6 c7xe5
  11.e3-f4 h6-g5  12.f4xh6 e5-f4  13.g3xe5 f6xb6  14.a1-b2 g7-f6  15.b2-a3 b6-a5
  16.c1-d2 a5xc3  17.d2xb4 a7-b6  18.b4-c5 b6xd4  19.f2-g3 h4xf2  20.g1xc5 f6-e5
  21.e1-f2 e5-f4  22.a3-b4

Usenov,Zhandos           - Francisco Jovino          1-1   30-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-d4 h6-g5   2.g3-h4 g7-h6   3.d4-c5 b6xd4   4.e3xc5 d6xb4   5.a3xc5 c7-d6
   6.b2-a3 d6xb4   7.a3xc5 f8-g7   8.a1-b2 b8-c7   9.f2-e3 c7-b6  10.g1-f2 b6xd4
  11.e3xc5 g5-f4  12.d2-e3 f4xd2  13.c1xe3 f6-e5  14.e3-f4 e5xg3  15.h2xf4 e7-f6
  16.f2-g3 d8-c7  17.h4-g5 f6xf2  18.e1xg3 c7-b6  19.c5-d6 g7-f6  20.g3-h4 h8-g7
  21.b2-c3 f6-e5  22.d6-e7 e5xg3  23.h4xf2 g7-f6  24.e7xg5 h6xf4  25.c3-b4 b6-a5

Fernando Moretti         - Grzesiak,Marcin           1-1   30-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-f4 f6-g5   2.c3-b4 g7-f6   3.b2-c3 f6-e5   4.c1-b2 e5xg3   5.f2xf6 e7xg5
   6.c3-d4 b6-c5   7.d4xb6 c7xc3   8.b2xd4 a7-b6   9.h2-g3 d6-c5  10.d2-c3 h8-g7
  11.g3-f4 g7-f6  12.g1-f2 d8-c7  13.f2-g3 c7-d6  14.g3-h4 b8-a7  15.a1-b2 b6-a5
  16.d4xb6 a7xc5  17.e1-d2 a5-b4  18.c3xa5 c5-d4  19.e3xe7 g5xc1  20.e7xg5 h6xf4
  21.a5-b6 c1-e3

Dosca,Ion                - Kandaurov,Alexander       1-1   30-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-d4 d6-e5   2.a3-b4 h6-g5   3.g3-h4 b6-a5   4.b4-c5 g7-h6   5.f2-e3 g5-f4
   6.e3xg5 h6xf4   7.c5-d6 e7xe3   8.c3-b4 a5xc3   9.b2xf2 h8-g7  10.f2-e3 f4-g3
  11.h2xd6 c7xe5  12.a1-b2 a7-b6  13.b2-c3 f8-e7  14.e3-f4 e5xg3  15.h4xf2

Anykeev,Youri            - Belocheev,Sergey          1-1   30-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-b4 f6-g5   2.b4-c5 b6xd4   3.e3xc5 d6xb4   4.a3xc5 c7-b6   5.d2-e3 b6xd4
   6.e3xc5 e7-f6   7.f2-e3 d8-c7   8.g1-f2 f8-e7   9.e3-d4 g5-h4  10.b2-c3 h6-g5
  11.c1-d2 e7-d6  12.c5xe7 f6xd8  13.a1-b2 a7-b6  14.d2-e3 g7-h6  15.b2-a3 h8-g7
  16.g3-f4 b6-a5  17.f4-e5 c7-d6  18.e5xc7 b8xd6  19.h2-g3 g7-f6  20.g3-f4 d8-c7
  21.f2-g3 h4xf2  22.e1xg3 g5-h4  23.a3-b4 h4xf2  24.e3xg1 c7-b6  25.f4-e5 d6xf4
  26.b4-c5 f4-e3  27.c5xa7 e3xc5  28.a7-b8 c5-b4  29.b8-f4 b4xd2  30.f4xc1 f6-e5
  31.c1-b2 e5-f4  32.b2-c3 f4-e3  33.c3-e1 h6-g5  34.e1-c3 g5-h4  35.c3-e5 h4-g3
  36.e5xh2 e3-d2

Francisco Marcelo        - Augusto Carvalho          1-1   30-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.a3-b4 f6-e5   2.b4-c5 b6xd4   3.e3xc5 d6xb4   4.c3xa5 h6-g5   5.d2-e3 g5-h4
   6.g3-f4 e5xg3   7.h2xf4 g7-f6   8.b2-c3 e7-d6   9.e3-d4 f8-g7  10.f4-g5 d6-c5
  11.g5xe7 c5xe3  12.f2xd4 d8xf6  13.c1-d2 f6-e5  14.d4xf6 g7xe5  15.d2-e3 h8-g7
  16.a1-b2 e5-f4  17.e3xg5 h4xf6  18.c3-d4 f6-g5  19.g1-f2 c7-b6  20.a5xc7 b8xd6
  21.b2-a3 a7-b6  22.a3-b4 g7-f6  23.b4-a5 d6-c5  24.a5xc7 c5xg1  25.c7-b8 g1-h2
  26.b8-a7 f6-e5  27.a7-g1 g5-h4

Kandaurov,Alexander      - Dosca,Ion                 1-1   30-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-d4 d6-e5   2.a3-b4 h6-g5   3.b4-a5 e7-d6   4.g3-h4 g7-h6   5.f2-g3 f8-g7
   6.b2-a3 b6-c5   7.d4xb6 a7xc5   8.e1-f2 e5-d4   9.c3xe5 d6xf4  10.g3xe5 f6xd4
  11.h4xf6 g7xe5  12.h2-g3 h8-g7  13.d2-e3 h6-g5  14.g3-h4 g7-h6  15.h4xf6 e5xg7
  16.c1-d2 g7-f6  17.d2-c3 d4xb2  18.a1xc3 c7-d6  19.f2-g3 h6-g5  20.c3-d4 b8-a7
  21.d4xb6 a7xc5  22.g3-f4 g5-h4  23.a3-b4 c5xa3  24.e3-d4 d8-c7  25.g1-f2 a3-b2
  26.d4-c5 d6xb4  27.a5xa1

Belocheev,Sergey         - Anykeev,Youri             1-1   30-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-b4 f6-g5   2.b2-c3 b6-a5   3.b4-c5 d6xb4   4.a3xc5 c7-d6   5.a1-b2 d6xb4
   6.b2-a3 g7-f6   7.a3xc5 g5-h4   8.c3-b4 a5xc3   9.d2xb4 h8-g7  10.e3-d4 d8-c7
  11.g3-f4 c7-d6  12.b4-a5 d6xb4  13.a5xc3 f6-g5  14.f4-e5 e7-d6  15.e5xc7 b8xd6
  16.c1-b2 a7-b6

Kuperman,Iser            - Varik,Raido               1-1   30-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-f4 f6-g5   2.c3-b4 g7-f6   3.b2-c3 f6-e5   4.a1-b2 e5xg3   5.f2xf6 e7xg5
   6.e1-f2 b6-c5   7.e3-d4 c5xe3   8.f2xd4 d8-e7   9.b4-c5 d6xb4  10.c3xa5 c7-d6
  11.d4-c5 d6xb4  12.a5xc3 h8-g7  13.h2-g3 g7-f6  14.c3-d4 e7-d6  15.d4-c5 d6xb4
  16.a3xc5 b8-c7  17.d2-e3 f8-e7  18.e3-d4 e7-d6  19.c5xe7 f6xd8  20.b2-a3 d8-e7
  21.a3-b4 e7-f6  22.b4-c5 c7-d6  23.c5xe7 f6xd8  24.d4-c5 d8-e7  25.c1-d2 e7-f6
  26.g3-h4 g5-f4  27.c5-d6 a7-b6  28.h4-g5 f6xh4  29.d6-e7 b6-c5

Francisco Jovino         - Usenov,Zhandos            2-0   30-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-d4 h6-g5   2.g3-h4 g7-h6   3.f2-g3 d6-e5   4.g1-f2 e5xc3   5.b2xd4 b6-c5
   6.d4xb6 a7xc5   7.d2-c3 f8-g7   8.g3-f4 e7-d6   9.c3-d4 c7-b6  10.a1-b2 b8-a7
  11.b2-c3 b6-a5  12.d4xb6 a5xc7  13.c3-b4 c7-b6  14.f2-g3 b6-c5  15.e1-d2 d8-c7
  16.b4-a5 c7-b6  17.a5xe5 f6xf2  18.g3xe1 g5xe3  19.d2xf4 g7-f6  20.c1-d2 a7-b6
  21.d2-c3 h8-g7  22.e1-d2 c5-d4  23.c3xe5 f6xd4  24.d2-c3 d4xb2  25.a3xc1 g7-f6
  26.c1-d2 b6-c5  27.d2-c3 h6-g5  28.f4xh6 f6-e5  29.h4-g5

Ten,Valery               - Dijkstra,Theo             1-1   30-09-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-d4 b6-a5   2.d4-c5 d6xb4   3.a3xc5 f6-g5   4.g3-h4 g7-f6   5.c3-d4 g5-f4
   6.f2-g3 a5-b4   7.g3xg7 b4xd6   8.b2-c3 h8xf6   9.a1-b2 a7-b6  10.d4-c5 d6xb4
  11.c3xa5 b6-c5  12.h2-g3 c7-d6  13.d2-e3 f6-e5  14.e1-d2 e7-f6  15.g3-f4 e5xg3
  16.h4xf2 f8-e7  17.f2-g3 f6-e5  18.g1-h2 b8-c7  19.e3-f4 e7-f6  20.b2-a3 f6-g5
  21.g3-h4 g5xe3  22.d2xf4 e5xg3  23.h2xf4 d8-e7  24.c1-b2 c5-d4  25.a3-b4 e7-f6
  26.b2-c3 d4xb2  27.b4-c5 d6xb4  28.a5xa1

5th Round 

Ten,Valery               - Kuperman,Iser             0-2   01-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-d4 f6-e5   2.d4xf6 g7xe5   3.g3-h4 h8-g7   4.c3-b4 g7-f6   5.b4-a5 b6-c5
   6.f2-g3 c5-d4   7.b2-c3 d4xb2   8.a1xc3 f8-g7   9.c3-b4 a7-b6  10.g3-f4 e5xg3
  11.h4xf2 f6-e5  12.d2-e3 e5-f4  13.e3xg5 h6xf4  14.e1-d2 b6-c5  15.d2-e3 f4xd2
  16.c1xe3 e7-f6  17.h2-g3 g7-h6  18.g3-h4 f6-e5  19.g1-h2 c7-b6  20.a5xc7 d8xb6
  21.b4-a5 b8-c7  22.f2-g3 e5-f4  23.e3xg5 h6xf4  24.g3xe5 d6xf4  25.h2-g3 f4xh2
  26.h4-g5 c5-d4  27.a3-b4 d4-e3  28.g5-f6 e3-d2  29.f6-g7 d2-c1  30.b4-c5 b6xd4
  31.g7-h8 d4-e3  32.h8-e5 h2-g1  33.e5xb8 g1-h2  34.a5-b6 h2-e5  35.b8xd2 c1xa7

Kuperman,Iser            - Ten,Valery                1-1   01-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-d4 f6-e5   2.d4xf6 e7xg5   3.c3-b4 g5-h4   4.g3-f4 d8-e7   5.b4-a5 g7-f6
   6.b2-c3 f6-e5   7.f2-e3 e5xg3   8.h2xf4 h8-g7   9.c3-d4 g7-f6  10.f4-g5 h6xf4
  11.e3xg5 h4-g3  12.g5-h6 g3-h2  13.d2-c3 d6-c5  14.e1-f2 c5xe3  15.f2xd4 e7-d6
  16.c1-d2 d6-c5  17.d2-e3 f6-e5  18.d4xf6 c5-b4  19.a3xc5 b6xf2  20.g1xe3 h2-g1
  21.f6-e7 g1xb2  22.a1xc3 f8xd6  23.c3-d4 a7-b6  24.h6-g7 d6-c5  25.d4-e5 c7-d6
  26.e5xc7 b8xd6  27.a5xe5 c5-b4

Augusto Carvalho         - Anykeev,Youri             1-1   01-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-f4 b6-c5   2.d2-e3 f6-g5   3.g3-h4 c7-b6   4.h4xf6 g7xg3   5.f2xh4 h8-g7
   6.h2-g3 g7-f6   7.c3-b4 b8-c7   8.b4-a5 f6-e5   9.g3-f4 e5xg3  10.h4xf2 h6-g5
  11.c1-d2 d6-e5  12.b2-c3 c5-b4  13.a3xc5 b6xb2  14.a1xc3 e5-f4  15.g1-h2 e7-d6
  16.c3-b4 d6-e5  17.f2-g3 g5-h4  18.e3xg5 h4xf6  19.g3-f4 e5xg3  20.h2xf4 c7-d6
  21.b4-c5 d6xb4  22.a5xc3 d8-e7  23.c3-d4 e7-d6  24.d2-c3

Belocheev,Sergey         - Francisco Jovino          1-1   01-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-d4 f6-g5   2.b2-c3 g7-f6   3.c3-b4 h8-g7   4.b4-c5 d6xb4   5.a3xc5 g5-h4
   6.a1-b2 b6-a5   7.b2-a3 c7-b6   8.e3-f4 d8-c7   9.d2-c3 f6-g5  10.f2-e3 h4xf2
  11.e1xg3 g5-h4  12.f4-e5 h4xf2  13.e5-d6 c7xe5  14.d4xh8 b6xb2  15.h8xa1 f2xd4
  16.a1xd8 b8-c7  17.d8xb6 a7xc5  18.c1-b2 f8-e7  19.g1-f2

Francisco Marcelo        - Dosca,Ion                 1-1   01-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-d4 f6-e5   2.d4xf6 e7xg5   3.b2-c3 f8-e7   4.c3-d4 b6-a5   5.a1-b2 a5-b4
   6.a3xc5 d6xb4   7.b2-c3 b4-a3   8.g3-h4 a7-b6   9.h4xf6 e7xg5  10.h2-g3 g7-f6
  11.g3-f4 c7-d6  12.f2-g3 g5-h4  13.g1-h2 h4xf2  14.e1xg3 d8-e7  15.f4-e5 d6xf4
  16.g3xg7 h6xf8  17.d4-e5 b8-c7  18.h2-g3 e7-f6  19.e5xg7 h8xf6  20.g3-h4 f8-g7
  21.e3-f4 g7-h6  22.c3-d4 c7-d6  23.h4-g5 f6xh4  24.d4-e5 a3-b2  25.e5xa5 b2-a1

Kandaurov,Alexander      - Fernando Moretti          1-1   01-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-f4 d6-c5   2.c3-b4 f6-g5   3.b4xd6 c7xg3   4.f2xf6 g7xe5   5.h2-g3 h6-g5
   6.e3-d4 e5xc3   7.b2xd4 e7-d6   8.a1-b2 g5-h4   9.g3-f4 h8-g7  10.d2-e3 g7-f6
  11.b2-c3 b6-c5  12.d4xb6 a7xc5  13.c3-d4 b8-c7  14.d4xb6 c7xa5  15.e3-d4 d6-c5
  16.d4xb6 a5xc7  17.a3-b4 c7-d6  18.b4-a5 d6-c5  19.c1-d2 f8-e7  20.d2-e3 e7-d6
  21.e1-d2 f6-e5  22.g1-h2 e5xg3  23.h2xf4 d8-c7  24.d2-c3 c5-b4  25.c3-d4 b4-a3
  26.d4-c5 d6xb4  27.a5xc3 c7-b6  28.f4-e5 h4-g3  29.e5-f6 g3-h2  30.f6-g7 h2-g1
  31.e3-f4 b6-c5  32.g7-h8 c5-d4  33.c3xe5

Grzesiak,Marcin          - Varik,Raido               2-0   01-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-d4 d6-c5   2.b2-c3 c7-d6   3.c3-b4 b6-a5   4.d4xb6 a5xc7   5.a1-b2 h6-g5
   6.g3-f4 g5-h4   7.b4-c5 d6xb4   8.a3xc5 g7-h6   9.d2-c3 f6-g5  10.b2-a3 e7-f6
  11.e1-d2 f8-g7  12.h2-g3 d8-e7  13.c3-d4 c7-b6  14.d2-c3 e7-d6  15.c5xe7 f6xd8
  16.a3-b4 d8-e7  17.c1-b2 g7-f6  18.b4-a5 b6-c5  19.d4xb6 a7xc5  20.c3-d4 b8-a7
  21.d4xb6 a7xc5  22.b2-c3 c5-b4  23.a5-b6 b4xd2  24.e3xc1 g5xe3  25.f2xd4 h4xf2
  26.g1xe3 e7-d6  27.b6-a7 d6-e5  28.a7-b8 e5xc3  29.e3-d4 c3xe5  30.b8xh2

Dijkstra,Theo            - Usenov,Zhandos            2-0   01-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-d4 b6-a5   2.g3-h4 c7-b6   3.f2-g3 d6-c5   4.e1-f2 c5xe3   5.f2xd4 f6-g5
   6.h4xf6 e7xg5   7.g1-f2 f8-e7   8.a3-b4 e7-d6   9.d4-e5 d6xf4  10.g3xe5 d8-e7
  11.d2-e3 e7-d6  12.e5xc7 b8xd6  13.h2-g3 g5-h4  14.e3-d4 d6-e5  15.d4xf6 g7xe5
  16.c3-d4 a5xc3  17.d4xf6 h6-g5  18.b2xd4 g5xe7  19.a1-b2 e7-d6  20.g3-f4 b6-a5
  21.d4-e5 a7-b6  22.e5xc7 b6xd8  23.b2-c3 d8-e7  24.f4-e5 h8-g7  25.c1-b2 g7-h6
  26.b2-a3 h6-g5  27.c3-d4 e7-d6  28.e5xc7 g5-f4

Anykeev,Youri            - Augusto Carvalho          1-1   01-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-f4 b6-c5   2.d2-e3 f6-g5   3.g3-h4 c7-b6   4.h4xf6 g7xg3   5.h2xf4 h8-g7
   6.c3-b4 g7-f6   7.b4-a5 f6-e5   8.a5xc7 d8xb6   9.b2-c3 e5xg3  10.f2xh4 d6-e5
  11.e3-f4 e5xg3  12.h4xf2 b6-a5  13.c1-d2 a7-b6  14.g1-h2 h6-g5  15.h2-g3 b8-a7
  16.a1-b2 g5-f4  17.g3xe5 c5-b4  18.a3xc5 b6xf6  19.b2-a3 e7-d6  20.d2-e3 a7-b6
  21.e3-d4 b6-c5  22.d4xb6 a5xc7

Francisco Jovino         - Belocheev,Sergey          1-1   01-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-d4 f6-g5   2.b2-c3 g5-h4   3.c3-b4 h6-g5   4.d4-c5 b6xd4   5.e3xc5 c7-b6
   6.d2-e3 b6xd4   7.e3xc5 g7-f6   8.b4-a5 d6xb4   9.a5xc3 e7-d6  10.a3-b4 h8-g7
  11.b4-a5 d6-e5  12.g3-f4 g5xe3  13.f2xd4 e5-f4  14.a1-b2 g7-h6  15.d4-c5 b8-c7
  16.g1-f2 f6-g5  17.a5-b6 c7xa5  18.f2-g3 h4xf2  19.e1xe5 g5-h4  20.c1-d2 h6-g5
  21.e5-d6 g5-f4  22.c3-d4 f8-g7  23.d2-c3 g7-f6  24.d6-e7 a5-b4  25.e7xe3 b4xf4

Usenov,Zhandos           - Dijkstra,Theo             2-0   01-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-d4 b6-a5   2.d4-c5 d6xb4   3.a3xc5 f6-e5   4.g3-f4 e5xg3   5.h2xf4 g7-f6
   6.c3-d4 f6-g5   7.d2-e3 g5-h4   8.g1-h2 h8-g7   9.f2-g3 h4xf2  10.e3xg1 c7-d6
  11.b2-a3 d6xb4  12.a3xc5 d8-c7  13.a1-b2 e7-f6  14.b2-c3 c7-b6  15.c5-d6 f6-g5
  16.f4-e5 g5-h4  17.h2-g3 h4xf2  18.e1xg3 b6-c5  19.d6xb4 f8-e7  20.g1-h2 b8-c7

Dosca,Ion                - Francisco Marcelo         1-1   01-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-d4 f6-e5   2.d4xf6 g7xe5   3.a3-b4 e5-d4   4.e3xc5 b6xd4   5.b2-a3 h6-g5
   6.a1-b2 h8-g7   7.d2-e3 c7-b6   8.e3xc5 b6xd4   9.c1-d2 b8-c7  10.g3-h4 g7-f6
  11.b2-c3 d4xb2  12.a3xc1 g5-f4  13.f2-e3 f6-g5  14.h4xf6 e7xg5  15.e3-d4 a7-b6
  16.b4-a5 d6-c5  17.e1-f2 c5xe3  18.f2xd4 d8-e7  19.g1-f2 e7-d6  20.f2-g3 f8-e7
  21.g3xe5 d6xf4  22.d2-e3 f4xd2  23.c1xe3 g5-h4  24.h2-g3 h4xf2  25.e3xg1 e7-d6
  26.g1-f2 d6-c5

Varik,Raido              - Grzesiak,Marcin           0-2   01-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-d4 d6-c5   2.b2-c3 c7-d6   3.c3-b4 b6-a5   4.d4xb6 a5xc7   5.d2-c3 f6-e5
   6.a1-b2 a7-b6   7.b4-a5 e5-f4   8.g3xe5 d6xb4   9.a3xa7 e7-d6  10.f2-e3 g7-f6
  11.h2-g3 f6-g5  12.g3-f4 h8-g7  13.b2-c3 g7-f6  14.c1-d2 f6-e5  15.g1-f2 e5xg3
  16.f2xf6 f8-e7  17.f6-g7 h6xf8  18.c3-d4 e7-f6  19.d2-c3 f8-e7  20.e1-f2 f6-g5
  21.f2-g3 g5-h4  22.c3-b4 h4xf2  23.e3xg1 d6-e5  24.d4xf6 e7xg5

Fernando Moretti         - Kandaurov,Alexander       1-1   01-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-f4 d6-c5   2.c3-d4 c7-d6   3.d2-c3 b6-a5   4.d4xb6 a5xc7   5.c3-d4 f6-e5
   6.d4xf6 g7xg3   7.h2xf4 h8-g7   8.b2-c3 g7-f6   9.f2-g3 a7-b6  10.g3-h4 b6-a5
  11.c1-d2 f6-g5  12.h4xf6 e7xg5  13.c3-d4 c7-b6  14.d4-e5 b6-c5  15.e5xc7 b8xd6
  16.d2-c3 f8-e7  17.e3-d4 g5xe3  18.d4xb6 a5xc7  19.e1-f2 h6-g5  20.f2xd4 d6-c5
  21.d4xb6 c7xa5  22.c3-d4 g5-f4  23.a1-b2 e7-f6  24.b2-c3 d8-e7  25.d4-c5 f4-e3
  26.c3-b4 a5xc3  27.c5-b6 c3-d2  28.b6-c7 d2-e1  29.c7-b8 e1-c3  30.b8-g3 e3-d2
  31.g3-e1 c3-a1  32.e1xf8

6th Round 

Augusto Carvalho         - Belocheev,Sergey          1-1   02-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-d4 f6-g5   2.d4-c5 b6xd4   3.e3xc5 d6xb4   4.a3xc5 g5-f4   5.g3xe5 c7-b6
   6.c5-d6 e7xc5   7.h2-g3 c5-b4   8.g3-f4 f8-e7   9.b2-c3 b6-a5  10.g1-h2 b8-c7
  11.a1-b2 b4-a3  12.h2-g3 g7-f6  13.e5xg7 h6xf8  14.c3-d4 c7-d6  15.d4-e5 d8-c7
  16.g3-h4 c7-b6  17.e5xc7 b6xd8  18.f2-e3 h8-g7  19.f4-e5 e7-f6  20.e5-d6 a7-b6
  21.h4-g5 f6xh4  22.d6-c7 a5-b4  23.c7xc3 g7-f6  24.e3-f4 f6-e5  25.f4xd6 h4-g3
  26.c3-d4 g3-h2  27.e1-f2 h2-g1  28.d6-c7

Fernando Moretti         - Kuperman,Iser             1-1   02-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.a3-b4 b6-c5   2.b2-a3 f6-e5   3.e3-f4 e7-f6   4.b4-a5 f6-g5   5.c3-b4 g5xe3
   6.f2xb6 a7xc5   7.d2-e3 e5-f4   8.e3xg5 h6xf4   9.g3xe5 d6xf4  10.b4xd6 c7xe5
  11.g1-f2 f8-e7  12.a1-b2 e7-d6  13.a3-b4 d6-c5  14.b4xd6 e5xc7  15.f2-g3 d8-e7
  16.g3xe5 c7-b6  17.a5xc7 b8xf4  18.e1-f2 g7-f6  19.f2-e3 f4xd2  20.c1xe3

Anykeev,Youri            - Francisco Marcelo         1-1   02-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.a3-b4 f6-g5   2.b4-a5 g5-f4   3.e3xg5 h6xf4   4.g3xe5 d6xf4   5.f2-g3 e7-d6
   6.g3xe5 d6xf4   7.g1-f2 f8-e7   8.b2-a3 e7-d6   9.c3-b4 g7-h6  10.a1-b2 h8-g7
  11.b4-c5 b6xd4  12.d2-e3 f4xd2  13.c1xe7 d8xf6  14.b2-c3 f6-e5  15.a3-b4 h6-g5

Ten,Valery               - Usenov,Zhandos            0-2   02-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-h4 d6-c5   2.c3-b4 c7-d6   3.b4-a5 b8-c7   4.f2-g3 f6-e5   5.e3-f4 h6-g5
   6.h4xd4 c5xg5   7.b2-c3 g5-f4   8.g3xe5 d6xf4   9.a1-b2 g7-f6  10.c3-d4 b6-c5
  11.d4xb6 a7xc5  12.b2-c3 h8-g7  13.e1-f2 g7-h6  14.c3-b4 e7-d6  15.f2-g3 f6-e5
  16.g3-h4 f8-e7  17.c1-b2 e7-f6  18.b2-c3 d8-e7  19.d2-e3 f4xd2  20.c3xe1 e5-f4
  21.g1-f2 f6-e5  22.f2-g3 e7-f6  23.e1-d2 h6-g5

Grzesiak,Marcin          - Kandaurov,Alexander       2-0   02-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-d4 b6-a5   2.d4-c5 d6xb4   3.a3xc5 f6-g5   4.c3-d4 c7-b6   5.f2-e3 g5-h4
   6.g3-f4 e7-f6   7.g1-f2 f6-g5   8.b2-c3 g7-f6   9.a1-b2 f8-e7  10.f2-g3 h4xf2
  11.e3xg1 g5xe3  12.d4xf2 b6xd4  13.c3xg7 h6xf8  14.b2-c3 h8-g7  15.h2-g3 g7-f6
  16.f2-e3 a7-b6  17.g3-h4 b6-c5  18.e3-f4 f8-g7  19.d2-e3 g7-h6  20.e1-d2 f6-g5
  21.h4xf6 e7xg5  22.f4-e5 b8-c7  23.g1-h2 g5-h4  24.e5-f6 c7-d6  25.c1-b2 a5-b4
  26.c3xa5 h6-g5  27.b2-c3 g5xe7  28.c3-d4 e7-f6  29.d4xb6 f6-g5  30.b6-a7 d6-e5
  31.a5-b6 d8-e7  32.b6-c7

Francisco Jovino         - Dosca,Ion                 1-1   02-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-b4 b6-a5   2.b4-c5 d6xb4   3.a3xc5 f6-g5   4.g3-f4 g7-f6   5.b2-c3 c7-d6
   6.a1-b2 d6xb4   7.b2-a3 d8-c7   8.a3xc5 e7-d6   9.c5xe7 f6xd8  10.f2-g3 h8-g7
  11.g1-f2 g5-h4  12.e3-d4 c7-b6  13.f2-e3 h4xf2  14.e3xg1 b6-c5  15.d4xb6 a5xc7
  16.h2-g3 g7-f6  17.g3-h4 c7-d6  18.c3-b4 d8-e7  19.b4-a5 d6-e5  20.f4xd6 e7xc5
  21.e1-f2 a7-b6  22.a5xc7 b8xd6  23.f2-g3 d6-e5  24.d2-e3 h6-g5  25.g3-f4 e5xg3
  26.h4xf2 f6-e5  27.f2-g3 g5-h4  28.g3-f4 e5xg3  29.g1-h2 c5-b4  30.h2xf4 b4-c3
  31.f4-e5 h4-g3  32.e5-d6 g3-h2  33.d6-c7 c3-d2  34.c7-d8 d2xf4  35.d8-f6

Francisco Marcelo        - Anykeev,Youri             0-2   02-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.a3-b4 f6-g5   2.b4-c5 d6xb4   3.c3xa5 b6-c5   4.b2-c3 c5-b4   5.c3-d4 b4-a3
   6.a1-b2 g7-f6   7.g3-f4 f8-g7   8.f2-g3 g5-h4   9.b2-c3 h4xf2  10.e1xg3 f6-g5
  11.g3-h4 a7-b6  12.h4xf6 g7xg3  13.h2xf4 h8-g7  14.g1-f2 g7-f6  15.f2-g3 e7-d6
  16.c3-b4 a3xc5  17.g3-h4 d8-e7  18.c1-b2 h6-g5  19.f4xh6 d6-e5  20.d2-c3 c7-d6
  21.a5xc7 c5-b4  22.c3xa5 e5xa1  23.c7xg7 a1xh8  24.h4-g5 h8-b2  25.e3-f4

Kuperman,Iser            - Ferando Moretti           2-0   02-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.a3-b4 b6-c5   2.b4-a5 c5-b4   3.c3-d4 b4-a3   4.b2-c3 f6-g5   5.g3-h4 g7-f6
   6.f2-g3 d6-e5   7.g3-f4 e5xg3   8.h2xf4 f8-g7   9.a1-b2 e7-d6  10.g1-h2 d6-c5
  11.d4xb6 a7xc5  12.c3-d4 c7-b6  13.a5xc7 d8xb6  14.b2-c3 b6-a5  15.d4xb6 a5xc7
  16.c3-d4 c7-d6  17.d2-c3 b8-a7  18.e1-d2 a7-b6  19.h2-g3 d6-e5  20.f4xd6 g5-f4
  21.e3xe7 g7-f6  22.e7xg5 h6xh2  23.d6-e7 b6-a5  24.e7-f8 h2-g1  25.d4-e5 g1-f2

Belocheev,Sergey         - Augusto Carvalho          2-0   02-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-d4 d6-c5   2.g3-h4 c7-d6   3.h2-g3 b6-a5   4.d4xb6 a5xc7   5.a3-b4 f6-g5
   6.h4xf6 g7xe5   7.g3-h4 h8-g7   8.h4-g5 h6xf4   9.e3xg5 g7-h6  10.f2-e3 h6xf4
  11.e3xg5 e5-d4  12.b4-a5 d6-e5  13.g5-h6 e5-f4  14.g1-f2 f4-g3  15.f2xh4 a7-b6
  16.h4-g5 d4-e3  17.d2xf4 f8-g7  18.h6xd6 c7xg3  19.a5xc7 b8xd6  20.g5-h6 g3-h2
  21.e1-f2 d6-e5  22.h6-g7 e5-f4  23.g7-h8 f4-e3  24.f2xd4 h2-g1  25.d4-e5 d8-e7
  26.h8-g7 g1-h2  27.g7-f8 h2xd6

Usenov,Zhandos           - Ten,Valery                2-0   02-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-h4 d6-c5   2.c3-b4 e7-d6   3.b4-a5 f8-e7   4.f2-g3 f6-e5   5.g3-f4 e5xg3
   6.h4xf2 g7-f6   7.h2-g3 h8-g7   8.g3-h4 c5-d4   9.e3xc5 b6xd4  10.d2-e3 d6-e5
  11.e3xc5 h6-g5  12.c1-d2 g7-h6  13.a3-b4 g5-f4  14.g1-h2 c7-d6  15.f2-g3 b8-c7
  16.b2-c3 c7-b6  17.a5xc7 d8xb2  18.a1xc3 a7-b6  19.b4-a5 b6-c5  20.a5-b6 c5xa7
  21.c3-d4 e5xc3  22.g3xc7 c3-b2  23.c7-b8 b2-a1  24.d2-e3 f6-e5  25.b8xg3 a7-b6
  26.e3-f4 b6-a5  27.f4-g5 h6xf4  28.g3xf8 a1-h8  29.e1-f2 h8-a1  30.f2-e3 a1-h8
  31.e3-f4 h8-d4  32.h4-g5 d4-a1  33.f8-c5 a1-b2  34.g5-h6 b2-h8  35.h2-g3 h8-a1
  36.g3-h4 a1-c3  37.h4-g5 c3-b2  38.c5-g1 a5-b4  39.g1-h2 b4-c3  40.g5-f6 b2-a3
  41.f6-g7 c3-d2  42.g7-h8 d2-e1  43.h8-e5 e1-h4  44.h2-g1 h4-g5  45.g1-e3 a3-c1

Varik,Raido              - Dijkstra,Theo             0-2   02-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-h4 f6-e5   2.c3-b4 e5-f4   3.e3xg5 h6xf4   4.b2-c3 d6-e5   5.b4-a5 b6-c5
   6.c3-b4 c7-d6   7.a1-b2 b8-c7   8.b2-c3 c5-d4   9.c1-b2 f4-g3  10.h2xf4 e5xg3
  11.c3xe5 d6xf4  12.b2-c3 g3-h2  13.c3-d4 g7-h6  14.f2-g3 a7-b6  15.g3xe5 b6-c5
  16.b4xb8 d8-c7  17.b8xd6 e7xc1  18.a5-b6 f8-g7  19.b6-c7 g7-f6  20.e5xg7 h8xf6
  21.e1-f2 h6-g5  22.f2-g3 h2xf4  23.c7-d8 f4-g3  24.h4xf2 g5-h4  25.d8xg5 h4xf6
  26.a3-b4 c1-d2  27.b4-a5 d2-e1  28.f2-e3 e1-f2  29.e3-f4 f2-c5  30.g1-h2 c5-a7
  31.h2-g3 a7-b8

Dijkstra,Theo            - Varik,Raido               0-2   02-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.g3-h4 f6-e5   2.e3-f4 e5xg3   3.h2xf4 g7-f6   4.d2-e3 f6-e5   5.f2-g3 h8-g7
   6.c3-b4 g7-f6   7.b4-a5 b6-c5   8.e1-d2 e5-d4   9.b2-c3 d4xb2  10.a1xc3 f6-e5
  11.e3-d4 c5xg5  12.h4xd4 a7-b6  13.d2-e3 h6-g5  14.g3-f4 g5-h4  15.g1-f2 d6-c5
  16.d4-e5 f8-g7  17.c1-b2 e7-d6  18.c3-d4 d8-e7  19.b2-c3 e7-f6  20.a3-b4 c5xa3
  21.f2-g3 h4xf2  22.e3xg1 b6-c5  23.d4xd8 f6xb2

Kandaurov,Alexander      - Grzesiak,Marcin           1-1   02-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.e3-d4 b6-a5   2.d4-c5 d6xb4   3.a3xc5 f6-g5   4.c5-b6 a7xc5   5.g3-f4 g5xe3
   6.f2xb6 g7-f6   7.b6-a7 h6-g5   8.h2-g3 h8-g7   9.c3-d4 c7-d6  10.d2-e3 d6-c5
  11.d4xb6 a5xc7  12.e1-f2 g5-h4  13.b2-c3 g7-h6  14.c3-b4 e7-d6  15.a1-b2 f6-g5
  16.b2-c3 g5-f4  17.g3xe5 d6xd2  18.c3xe1 f8-e7  19.c1-d2 e7-d6  20.d2-c3 h6-g5
  21.f2-e3 g5-f4  22.e3xg5 h4xf6  23.e1-f2 d6-c5  24.b4xd6 c7xe5  25.f2-e3 f6-g5
  26.g1-h2 e5-f4  27.e3-d4 g5-h4  28.c3-b4 d8-c7  29.b4-c5 h4-g3  30.c5-b6 c7xa5
  31.d4-e5 f4xd6  32.h2xf4

Dosca,Ion                - Francisco Jovino          1-1   02-10-2004
Ubatuba-2004 Play this game online
   1.c3-b4 b6-a5   2.b4-c5 d6xb4   3.a3xc5 f6-g5   4.g3-f4 g7-f6   5.b2-c3 h8-g7
   6.a1-b2 g5-h4   7.f4-g5 h6xf4   8.e3xg5 h4-g3   9.f2xh4 g7-h6  10.g1-f2 h6xf4
  11.f2-e3 f6-g5  12.h4xf6 e7xg5  13.e1-f2 c7-d6  14.c5xe7 f8xd6  15.e3-d4 d6-c5
  16.d4xb6 a7xc5  17.f2-g3 c5-d4  18.c3xe5 f4xd6  19.g3-f4 g5xe3  20.d2xf4 d8-e7
  21.h2-g3 b8-c7  22.b2-c3 c7-b6  23.g3-h4 e7-f6  24.c1-b2 b6-c5  25.f4-g5 f6-e5
  26.b2-a3 c5-d4  27.g5-h6 d4xb2  28.a3xc1 e5-d4  29.h6-g7 a5-b4  30.g7-h8 d4-e3
  31.h4-g5 e3-f2

7th Round 

Francisco Marcelo - Zhandos Ussenov                  2-0    03-10-2004

1.g3-h4 d6-c5 2.c3-b4 c7-d6 3.b4-a5 b8-c7 4.h2-g3 f6-e5 5.e3-f4 h6-g5 6.h4xd4
c5xg5 7.b2-c3 g5-f4 8.g3xe5 d6xf4 9.c3-d4 b6-c5 10.d4xb6 a7xc5 11.a1-b2 g7-f6
12.b2-c3 h8-g7 13.c3-d4 c5xe3 14.f2xd4 f6-g5 15.d2-c3 c7-b6 16.a5xc7 d8xb6
17.c1-d2 b6-a5 18.d4-c5 g5-h4 19.c5-d6 e7xc5 20.c3-b4 a5xc3 21.d2xd6 g7-f6
22.d6-c7 h4-g3 23.c7-d8 f6-e5 24.d8-b6 g3-h2 25.b6-f2 f8-g7 26.a3-b4 g7-h6

Valery Ten - Varik Raido                             0-2    03-10-2004
1.a3-b4 h6-g5 2.b4-c5 b6xd4 3.e3xc5 d6xb4 4.c3xa5 f6-e5 5.g3-h4 g5-f4
6.b2-a3 a7-b6 7.a3-b4 e7-d6 8.a1-b2 f4-g3 9.h2xf4 e5xg3 10.d2-e3 g7-f6
11.b4-c5 d6xb4 12.a5xc3 c7-d6 13.c3-d4 f6-g5 14.h4xf6 d6-e5 15.f2xh4 e5xa1
16.f6-e7 d8xf6 17.c1-b2 a1xf2 18.g1xe3

Iser Kuperman - Francisco Jovino
Ubatuba-2004, 03-10-2004
1.c3-b4 d6-c5 2.b4xd6 e7xc5 3.b2-c3 c7-d6 4.c3-b4 b6-a5 5.c1-b2 a5xc3 6.b2xb6
a7xc5 7.a1-b2 f8-e7 8.b2-c3 f6-g5 9.c3-b4 g5-h4 10.g3-f4 e7-f6 11.f4-g5 h6xf4
12.e3xe7 d8xf6 13.d2-e3 g7-h6 14.e3-f4 f6-e5 15.f2-e3 e5xg3 16.h2xf4 h8-g7
17.e1-d2 d6-e5 18.f4xd6 c5xe7 19.e3-f4 g7-f6 20.d2-e3 b8-c7 21.g1-f2 f6-g5
22.b4-c5 e7-f6 23.a3-b4 c7-d6 24.c5xe7 f6xd8 25.b4-c5 d8-e7 26.f4-e5 e7-f6
27.e5xg7 h6xf8 28.c5-d6

Dosca - Yury Anikeev
Ubatuba-2004, 03-10-2004
1.e3-f4 f6-e5 2.c3-b4 e7-f6 3.b4-a5 f6-g5 4.b2-c3 g5xe3 5.f2xf6 g7xe5 6.g3-h4
h8-g7 7.e1-f2 f8-e7 8.c3-b4 b6-c5 9.h2-g3 g7-f6 10.d2-c3 c7-b6 11.a5xc7 d8xb6
12.f2-e3 c5-d4 13.e3xc5 b6xb2 14.a1xc3 h6-g5 15.c1-d2 g5-f4 16.g1-h2 a7-b6
17.d2-e3 f4xd2 18.c3xe1 b8-c7 19.e1-d2 b6-a5 20.d2-c3 c7-b6 21.g3-f4 e5xg3
22.h2xf4 f6-e5 23.f4-g5 b6-c5 24.g5-h6
 e7-f6 25.h4-g5 f6xh4 26.h6-g7 h4-g3
27.c3-d4 e5xc3 28.b4xd2

Belocheev - Marcin Grzesiak
Ubatuba-2004, 03-10-2004
1.c3-d4 d6-e5 2.b2-c3 e7-d6 3.e3-f4 b6-a5 4.f2-e3 c7-b6 5.c1-b2 b6-c5 6.d4xb6
a5xc7 7.e3-d4 a7-b6 8.d2-e3 b6-a5 9.g1-f2 c7-b6 10.a3-b4 b8-a7 11.b2-a3 b6-c5
12.d4xb6 a7xc5 13.c3-d4 e5xc3 14.b4xd2 f8-e7 15.d2-c3 f6-e5 16.g3-h4 e5xg3
17.h2xf4 e7-f6 18.c3-d4 f6-e5 19.d4xb6 a5xc7 20.f2-g3 g7-f6 21.a3-b4 c7-b6
22.b4-a5 b6-c5 23.a1-b2 e5-d4 24.e1-d2 d4xf2 25.g3xe1 f6-e5 26.b2-c3 e5xg3
27.h4xf2 d6-e5 28.d2-e3 h6-g5 29.c3-b4 c5xa3 30.a5-b6 a3-b2 31.b6-a7 b2-c1
32.a7-b8 c1xf4 33.f2-e3 f4xc1 34.b8xh6

Kandaurov - Theo Dijkstra
Ubatuba-2004, 03-10-2004
1.a3-b4 f6-g5 2.b4-c5 d6xb4 3.c3xa5 g5-h4 4.b2-c3 b6-c5 5.c3-d4 g7-f6 6.d4xb6
a7xc5 7.a1-b2 f6-e5 8.b2-c3 c5-b4 9.g3-f4 e5xg3 10.h2xf4 b4-a3 11.c3-d4 h8-g7
12.d4-c5 e7-d6 13.c5xe7 f8xd6 14.e3-d4 g7-f6 15.d4-c5 d6xb4 16.a5xc3 f6-g5
17.f2-e3 c7-d6 18.c3-d4 d8-c7 19.d2-c3 c7-b6 20.d4-e5 b6-a5 21.e5xc7 b8xd6
22.e1-f2 d6-e5 23.f4xd6 g5-f4 24.e3xg5 h6xf4 25.g1-h2

Fernando Moretti - Augusto Carvalho
Ubatuba, 03-10-2004
1.g3-h4 f6-g5 2.h4xf6 g7xe5 3.f2-g3 h8-g7 4.e3-f4 g7-f6 5.g3-h4 e5xg3 6.h4xf2
h6-g5 7.c3-b4 f6-e5 8.b4-a5 b6-c5 9.b2-c3 c5-b4 10.a3xc5 d6xb4 11.f2-e3 e7-f6
12.e3-f4 g5xe3 13.d2xd6 c7xe5 14.h2-g3 b4xd2 15.c1xe3 d8-c7 16.a1-b2 a7-b6
17.b2-c3 b6-c5 18.g3-f4 e5xg3 19.c3-d4 c7-d6 20.d4xb6 b8-a7 21.b6-c7 d6xb8
22.g1-h2 a7-b6 23.h2xf4 b6-c5 24.e1-d2 f8-e7 25.d2-c3 e7-d6 26.c3-d4 b8-a7
27.d4xb6 a7xc5 28.e3-d4 c5xg5 29.a5-b6 g5-f4 30.b6-a7 f4-e3 31.a7-b8 f6-e5
32.b8-a7 e3-d2 33.a7-f2 d2-c1 34.f2-b6 c1-g5 35.b6-g1 g5-d8 36.g1-f2 d8-f6
37.f2-h4 f6-d8 38.h4-f2 d8-h4 39.f2-g1 h4-e1 40.g1-b6 e1-c3 41.b6-a5 c3-e1
42.a5-b6 e1-a5 43.b6-e3 a5-c3 44.e3-b6 e5-f4 45.b6-a5 c3-g7

Varik Raido - Valery Ten
Ubatuba, 03-10-2004
1.a3-b4 h6-g5 2.b2-a3 g7-h6 3.c3-d4 h8-g7 4.b4-c5 d6xb4 5.a3xc5 g5-h4 6.a1-b2
f6-g5 7.b2-c3 g7-f6 8.c1-b2 b6-a5 9.c5-b6 a7xc5 10.d4xb6 e7-d6 11.b6-a7 d6-e5
12.b2-a3 f8-e7 13.e3-d4 c7-d6 14.d4-c5 d6xb4 15.a3xc5 g5-f4 16.c5-b6 a5xc7
17.c3-d4 e5xc3 18.g3xg7 h6xf8 19.d2xb4 e7-d6 20.e1-d2 f8-g7 21.f2-g3 h4xf2
22.g1xe3 g7-f6 23.h2-g3 f6-e5 24.d2-c3 e5-f4 25.g3xe5 d6xd2 26.c3xe1 d8-e7
27.e1-d2 e7-d6 28.b4-a5 d6-c5 29.d2-e3 c7-d6 30.a5-b6 c5-b4 31.b6-c7 b4-c3
32.c7xe5 c3-b2 33.e5-d6 b2-c1

Yury Anikeev - Dosca
Ubatuba, 03-10-2004
1.e3-f4 f6-e5 2.c3-b4 b6-a5 3.f2-e3 a5xc3 4.b2xf6 e7xg5 5.a3-b4 g5-h4 6.g1-f2
d8-e7 7.b4-a5 d6-e5 8.f4xd6 e7xc5 9.g3-f4 f8-e7 10.a1-b2 g7-f6 11.f4-g5 h6xf4
12.e3xg5 e7-d6 13.g5xe7 d6xf8 14.h2-g3 h8-g7 15.g3-f4 g7-f6 16.b2-c3 c7-b6
17.a5xc7 b8xd6 18.f2-g3 h4xf2 19.e1xg3

Theodore Dijkstra - Kandaurov
Ubatuba, 03-10-2004
1.a3-b4 f6-g5 2.b4-c5 d6xb4 3.c3xa5 b6-c5 4.e3-f4 g5xe3 5.f2xb6 a7xc5 6.b2-c3
g7-f6 7.d2-e3 f6-e5 8.g3-f4 e5xg3 9.h2xf4 h8-g7 10.c3-d4 c7-b6 11.a5xc7 d8xb6
12.g1-h2 b6-a5 13.d4xb6 a5xc7 14.a1-b2 g7-f6 15.b2-c3

Marcin Grzesiak - Belocheev
Ubatuba, 03-10-2004
1.c3-d4 d6-e5 2.b2-c3 e7-d6 3.e3-f4 b6-a5 4.f2-e3 c7-b6 5.c1-b2 b6-c5 6.d4xb6
a5xc7 7.e3-d4 a7-b6 8.a3-b4 b6-c5 9.d4xb6 c7xa5 10.g3-h4 e5xg3 11.h4xf2 f6-e5
12.b2-a3 g7-f6 13.b4-c5 d6xb4 14.a3xc5 h8-g7 15.c3-b4 a5xc3 16.d2xb4 h6-g5
17.a1-b2 d8-c7 18.b2-a3 c7-d6 19.c5xe7 f6xd8 20.h2-g3 g5-f4 21.g1-h2 d8-c7
22.b4-c5 c7-d6 23.c5xe7 f8xd6 24.f2-e3 f4xd2 25.e1xc3 g7-f6

Francisco Jovino - Iser Kuperman
Ubatuba, 03-10-2004
1.c3-b4 d6-c5 2.b4xd6 c7xe5 3.a3-b4 f6-g5 4.b4-a5 g5-f4 5.e3xg5 h6xf4 6.a5xc7
b8xd6 7.b2-a3 d6-c5 8.a1-b2 a7-b6 9.g3-h4 b6-a5 10.b2-c3 e7-d6 11.c3-b4 a5xc3
12.d2xb4 d8-c7 13.f2-e3 f4xd2 14.c1xe3 c7-b6 15.h4-g5 e5-d4 16.e1-d2 d4xf2
17.g1xe3 f8-e7 18.d2-c3 g7-h6 19.e3-f4 h8-g7 20.b4-a5 e7-f6 21.a5xe5 f6xb2
22.a3xc1 c5-d4 23.c1-b2 d4-e3 24.f4xd2 h6xf4 25.b2-c3 g7-f6 26.c3-d4 f6-g5
27.d2-c3 g5-h4 28.c3-b4 h4-g3 29.d4-e5 f4xd6 30.h2xf4

Augusto Carvalho - Fernando Moretti
Ubatuba, 03-10-2004
1.g3-h4 f6-g5 2.h4xf6 g7xe5 3.c3-b4 b6-c5 4.b2-c3 e5-f4 5.e3xg5 h6xf4 6.f2-g3
a7-b6 7.g3xe5 d6xf4 8.b4xd6 c7xe5 9.c3-b4 h8-g7 10.g1-f2 g7-h6 11.a1-b2 e7-d6
12.b4-c5 b6xd4 13.d2-e3 f4xd2 14.c1xe7 f8xd6 15.h2-g3 b8-c7 16.g3-f4 e5xg3
17.f2xh4 d6-c5 18.b2-c3 c7-d6 19.e1-f2


Yury Anikeev - Augusto Carvalho
Ubatuba-desempate, 04-10-2004

1.e3-d4 f6-g5 2.c3-b4 d6-c5 3.b4xd6 e7xe3 4.f2xd4 f8-e7 5.a3-b4 e7-d6 6.d4-e5 d6xf4
7.g3xe5 g7-f6 8.e5xg7 h6xf8 9.b2-c3 h8-g7 10.a1-b2 b6-c5 11.b4xd6 c7xe5 12.d2-e3 g7-f6
13.h2-g3 g5-h4 14.e3-d4 h4xf2 15.e1xg3 a7-b6 16.b2-a3 d8-c7 17.a3-b4 c7-d6
18.g3-h4 b6-a5 19.g1-f2 f6-g5 20.d4xf6 g5xe7 21.h4-g5 d6-e5 22.c3-d4 e5xc3
23.b4xd2 b8-c7 24.f2-e3 c7-b6 25.d2-c3 b6-c5 26.e3-f4 e7-f6 27.g5xe7 f8xd6

Augusto Carvalho - Yury Anikeev
Ubatuba-desempate, 04-10-2004

1.e3-d4 f6-g5 2.d2-e3 g5-h4 3.c1-d2 d6-e5 4.d4xf6 g7xe5 5.e3-d4 b6-a5 6.d4xf6 e7xg5
7.c3-b4 a5xc3 8.b2xd4 a7-b6 9.a3-b4 b6-a5 10.d4-c5 a5xc3 11.d2xb4 h8-g7 12.a1-b2 g7-f6
13.b2-c3 f6-e5 14.c5-d6 g5-f4 15.b4-a5 h6-g5 16.c3-b4 c7-b6 17.a5xc7 d8xb6
18.b4-c5 b6xd4 19.e1-d2 e5xc7 20.g3xc3 c7-d6 21.h2-g3 b8-c7 22.c3-b4 f8-g7
23.d2-c3 g5-f4 24.g3xe5 d6xf4 25.f2-e3 f4xd2 26.c3xe1 c7-d6 27.e1-f2 g7-f6

Belocheev - Dosca
Ubatuba-desempate, 04-10-2004

1.g3-h4 f6-e5 2.e3-d4 g7-f6 3.d2-e3 d6-c5 4.f2-g3 c7-d6 5.g3-f4 e5xg3 6.h4xf2 d6-e5
7.h2-g3 h8-g7 8.g3-h4 e5-f4 9.e3xg5 h6xf4 10.a3-b4 c5xa3 11.d4-c5 b6xd4 12.c3xg3 b8-c7
13.b2-c3 c7-d6 14.g1-h2 f6-e5 15.f2-e3 g7-f6 16.g3-f4 e5xg3 17.h2xf4 f6-e5
18.a1-b2 e5xg3 19.h4xf2 d6-e5 20.e3-f4 e5xg3 21.f2xh4 e7-f6 22.c3-d4 a7-b6
23.b2-c3 f8-g7 24.e1-f2

Dosca - Belocheev
Ubatuba-desempate, 04-10-2004

1.g3-h4 f6-e5 2.c3-b4 e5-f4 3.e3xg5 h6xf4 4.b4-a5 b6-c5 5.b2-c3 c5-b4 6.a3xc5 d6xb4
7.f2-g3 e7-d6 8.g3xe5 d6xf4 9.g1-f2 d8-e7 10.c3-d4 g7-f6 11.a5xc3 f6-g5 12.h4xb6 a7xg1
13.e1-f2 g1xb2 14.a1xc3 h8-g7 15.c3-d4 g7-f6 16.d2-e3 f4xd2 17.c1xe3

Iser Kuperman - Marcin Grzesiak
Ubatuba-desempate, 04-10-2004

1.e3-f4 b6-c5 2.d2-e3 a7-b6 3.c3-d4 f6-e5 4.d4xf6 g7xe5 5.g3-h4 e5xg3 6.h2xf4 b6-a5
7.b2-c3 c5-b4 8.a3xc5 d6xd2 9.e1xc3 c7-d6 10.e3-d4 b8-a7 11.a1-b2 d6-c5 12.d4xb6 a7xc5
13.b2-a3 e7-d6 14.f2-e3 f8-e7 15.c3-d4 c5-b4 16.a3xc5 d6xb4 17.f4-e5 h8-g7
18.e3-f4 g7-f6 19.e5xg7 h6xf8 20.g1-f2 e7-f6 21.f4-e5 d8-e7 22.e5xg7 f8xh6
23.f2-g3 e7-f6 24.g3-f4 b4-a3 25.f4-e5 a5-b4 26.e5xg7 h6xf8 27.h4-g5 f8-g7
28.d4-e5 g7-h6 29.g5-f6

Francisco Jovino - Francisco Marcelo
Ubatuba-desempate, 04-10-2004

1.g3-f4 b6-a5 2.c3-b4 a5xc3 3.b2xd4 f6-e5 4.d4xf6 g7xg3 5.h2xf4 h8-g7 6.a1-b2 g7-f6
7.b2-c3 a7-b6 8.f2-g3 b6-a5 9.g3-h4 c7-b6 10.f4-g5 h6xf4 11.e3xg5 b6-c5 12.g1-f2 c5-b4
13.a3xc5 d6xb4 14.f2-e3 d8-c7 15.e3-f4 b4-a3 16.g5-h6 c7-d6 17.d2-e3 b8-a7
18.f4-g5 a7-b6 19.e3-f4 b6-c5 20.e1-d2 c5-b4 21.c3-d4 d6-c5 22.d4xb6 a5xc7
23.f4-e5 f6xd4 24.g5-f6 e7xg5 25.h4xf6 d4-c3 26.f6-g7 c3xe1 27.g7-h8 e1-f2
28.h8-a1 f2-a7 29.a1-g7 c7-d6 30.g7-a1 a7-b8 31.a1-f6 d6-c5 32.f6-a1 b8-f4
33.a1-h8 f4-h2 34.h8-a1 h2-b8 35.a1-b2

Francisco Marcelo - Francisco Jovino
Ubatuba-desempate, 04-10-2004

1.g3-f4 b6-a5 2.c3-b4 a5xc3 3.d2xb4 f6-g5 4.b4-c5 d6xb4 5.a3xc5 g7-f6 6.b2-c3 g5-h4
7.a1-b2 f6-g5 8.b2-a3 h8-g7 9.c3-d4 g7-f6 10.a3-b4 c7-d6 11.b4-a5 d6xb4 12.a5xc3 e7-d6
13.c1-b2 f6-e5 14.d4xf6 g5xe7 15.e3-d4 d8-c7 16.b2-a3 a7-b6 17.f2-g3 h4xf2
18.e1xg3 b6-a5 19.g1-f2 c7-b6 20.f4-g5 h6xf4 21.g3xc7

Marcin Grzesiak - Iser Kuperman
Ubatuba-desempate, 04-10-2004

1.e3-f4 b6-c5 2.d2-e3 a7-b6 3.c3-d4 f6-e5 4.d4xf6 g7xe5 5.g3-h4 e5xg3 6.h2xf4 b6-a5
7.b2-c3 c5-b4 8.a3xc5 d6xd2 9.e1xc3 h8-g7 10.a1-b2 g7-f6 11.c1-d2 c7-d6 12.c3-d4 d6-c5
13.d4xb6 a5xc7 14.f4-e5 f6xd4 15.e3xc5

Zhandos Ussenov - Kandaurov
Ubatuba-desempate, 04-10-2004

1.a3-b4 h6-g5 2.b4-a5 g5-h4 3.c3-d4 f6-e5 4.d4xf6 g7xe5 5.b2-c3 h8-g7 6.a1-b2 e5-f4
7.g3xe5 d6xf4 8.e3xg5 h4xf6 9.f2-e3 f6-e5 10.b2-a3 e7-f6 11.c3-b4 e5-d4 12.e3xc5 b6xd4
13.c1-b2 f6-e5 14.h2-g3 g7-f6 15.b2-c3 d4xb2 16.a3xc1 a7-b6 17.d2-e3 f8-g7
18.e3-f4 g7-h6 19.f4xd6 c7xe5 20.a5xc7 b8xd6 21.g1-h2 h6-g5 22.c1-d2 g5-h4
23.b4-a5 h4xf2 24.e1xg3 d6-c5 25.a5-b6 c5xa7 26.d2-e3 d8-e7 27.g3-h4 a7-b6
28.h2-g3 b6-c5 29.g3-f4 e5xg3 30.h4xf2 f6-g5

Varik Raido - Fernando Moretti
Ubatuba-desempate, 04-10-2004

1.g3-f4 b6-a5 2.c3-d4 f6-g5 3.d4-c5 d6xb4 4.a3xc5 g7-f6 5.e3-d4 g5xe3 6.d2xf4 f6-g5
7.f2-e3 g5-h4 8.g1-f2 h8-g7 9.f2-g3 h4xf2 10.e3xg1 g7-f6 11.h2-g3 f6-g5 12.e1-d2 g5xe3
13.d4xf2 c7-b6 14.d2-e3 b6xd4 15.e3xc5 h6-g5 16.b2-c3 g5-f4 17.g3xe5 e7-d6
18.c5xe7 d8xb2 19.a1xc3 a7-b6

Kandaurov - Zhandos Usenov
Ubatuba-desempate, 04-10-2004

1.a3-b4 h6-g5 2.b4-c5 b6xd4 3.e3xc5 d6xb4 4.c3xa5 f6-e5 5.d2-e3 g5-h4 6.g3-f4 e5xg3
7.h2xf4 e7-d6 8.e3-d4 d6-c5 9.d4xb6 a7xc5 10.b2-c3 g7-f6 11.f2-e3 c5-b4 12.c3-d4 b4-a3
13.a1-b2 h8-g7 14.b2-c3 f8-e7 15.d4-c5 g7-h6 16.c3-d4 f6-g5 17.c5-b6 e7-d6
18.b6-a7 d6-e5 19.d4xf6 g5xe7

Fernando Moretti - Varik Raido
Ubatuba-desempate, 04-10-2004

1.g3-f4 b6-a5 2.c3-d4 f6-e5 3.d4xf6 g7xg3 4.h2xf4 h8-g7 5.e3-d4 c7-b6 6.d4-e5 d6-c5
7.e5-d6 c5-d4 8.f4-g5 e7xc5 9.d2-c3 h6xf4 10.c3xg3 b8-c7 11.g3-f4 d8-e7 12.f2-g3 c7-d6
13.g3-h4 g7-f6 14.f4-g5 c5-b4 15.a3xc5 d6xb4 16.b2-a3 f6-e5 17.a3xc5 b6xd4
18.a1-b2 a7-b6 19.e1-d2 b6-c5 20.b2-a3 e7-d6 21.c1-b2 f8-g7 22.g5-f6 e5-f4 23.f6xh8 f4-e3
24.h8xc3 e3xc1 25.c3-h8 d6-e5 26.h8xa7 a5-b4 27.a3xc5 c1xf8

Ten - Dijkstra
Ubatuba-2004, 04-10-2004

1.e3-d4 b6-a5


Francisco Jovino - Iser Kuperman
Ubatuba-desempate, 05-10-2004

1.g3-f4 f6-g5 2.c3-d4 b6-c5 3.d4xb6 a7xc5 4.b2-c3 g5-h4 5.c3-d4 c5-b4 6.a3xc5 d6xb4
7.a1-b2 b4-a3 8.d4-c5 g7-f6 9.b2-c3 f6-g5 10.e3-d4 g5xe3 11.d2xf4 h8-g7 12.f2-e3 g7-f6
13.g1-f2 f6-g5 14.f2-g3 h4xf2 15.e3xg1 g5xe3 16.d4xf2 c7-d6 17.e1-d2 d6xb4 18.c3xa5 e7-d6
19.h2-g3 f8-e7 20.f2-e3 e7-f6 21.e3-d4 b8-a7 22.d4-c5 d6xb4 23.a5xc3 d8-e7
24.g3-f4 e7-d6 25.c3-d4 a7-b6 26.g1-f2 b6-a5 27.f2-e3 d6-c5 28.d4xb6 a5xc7
29.e3-d4 c7-d6 30.d2-c3 f6-g5

(99) Augusto Carvalho - Dosca
Ubatuba-desempate, 05-10-2004

1.g3-f4 b6-a5 2.c3-d4 f6-e5 3.d4xf6 g7xg3 4.h2xf4 h8-g7 5.e3-d4 a7-b6 6.d4-e5 h6-g5
7.f4xh6 d6xf4 8.b2-c3 b6-c5 9.f2-e3 c7-d6 10.e3xg5 g7-f6 11.c1-b2 f6xh4 12.c3-b4 a5xc3
13.b2xb6 b8-a7 14.a1-b2 a7xc5 15.b2-c3 d6-e5 16.d2-e3 e5-f4 17.e3xg5 h4xf6
18.e1-f2 f6-e5 19.f2-e3 e7-d6 20.g1-h2 d8-e7 21.h2-g3 e7-f6 22.c3-b4 f6-g5
23.h6xf4 e5-d4 24.g3-h4 d4xf2 25.f4-e5 d6xf4 26.b4xd6 f4-g3 27.h4-g5 f2-g1
28.d6-c7 g1-d4 29.c7-b8 g3-f2 30.a3-b4 d4-b2 31.b4-c5 f2-e1 32.c5-b6

(100) Belocheev - Yury Anikeev
Ubatuba-desempate, 05-10-2004

1.e3-d4 f6-e5 2.d4xf6 g7xe5 3.g3-h4 h8-g7 4.c3-b4 g7-f6 5.b4-a5 b6-c5 6.b2-c3 c5-b4
7.a3xc5 d6xb4 8.f2-g3 b4-a3 9.d2-e3 e7-d6 10.e1-d2 a7-b6 11.a1-b2 b6-c5
12.g3-f4 e5xg3 13.h2xf4 f6-e5 14.g1-h2 e5xg3 15.h2xf4 f8-e7 16.h4-g5 e7-f6
17.g5xe7 d8xf6 18.c3-d4 c5-b4 19.a5xc3 d6-e5 20.f4xd6 c7xe5 21.d4-c5 h6-g5
22.c5-b6 g5-h4 23.b6-a7 h4-g3 24.e3-f4 g3-f2 25.f4xd6 f2-e1 26.d6-c7 b8xd6

(101) Marcin Grzesiak - Francisco Marcelo
Ubatuba-desempate, 05-10-2004

1.e3-f4 b6-a5 2.g3-h4 a7-b6 3.h2-g3 f6-g5 4.h4xf6 e7xe3 5.d2xf4 g7-f6 6.g3-h4 f8-e7
7.f2-e3 f6-g5 8.h4xf6 e7xg5 9.c3-b4 a5xc3 10.b2xd4 h8-g7 11.e1-f2 b6-c5 12.d4xb6 c7xa5
13.f2-g3 g7-f6 14.g3-h4 d6-c5 15.e3-d4 g5xe3 16.d4xf2 b8-c7 17.a1-b2 c7-d6
18.b2-c3 f6-e5 19.f2-g3 d8-e7 20.c1-d2 c5-b4 21.a3xc5 d6xb4 22.g1-h2 e7-d6
23.g3-f4 e5xg3 24.h2xf4 b4-a3 25.h4-g5 a5-b4 26.c3xa5 a3-b2 27.f4-e5

(102) Fernando Moretti - Zhandos Ussenov
Ubatuba-desempate, 05-10-2004

1.c3-b4 f6-e5 2.b4-c5 b6xd4 3.e3xc5 d6xb4 4.a3xc5 c7-b6 5.d2-e3 b6xd4 6.e3xc5 h6-g5
7.f2-e3 e5-f4 8.g3xe5 e7-d6 9.e5xc7 d8xf2 10.g1xe3 g7-h6 11.h2-g3 h8-g7 12.b2-c3 g7-f6
13.c3-d4 f8-e7 14.a1-b2 b8-c7 15.b2-a3 c7-b6

(103) Zhandos Ussenov - Fernando Moretti
Ubatuba-desempate, 05-10-2004

1.c3-b4 f6-e5 2.e3-f4 e7-f6 3.f2-e3 f6-g5 4.g3-h4 e5xg3 5.h4xf2 g5-f4 6.e3xg5 h6xf4
7.b2-c3 g7-f6 8.b4-a5 b6-c5 9.f2-e3 f6-g5 10.e3-d4 c5xe3 11.h2-g3 f4xh2 12.d2xh6 h8-g7
13.c3-d4 d6-c5 14.d4xb6 a7xc5 15.a1-b2 g7-f6

(104) Kandaurov - Varik Raido
Ubatuba-desempate, 05-10-2004

1.e3-d4 d6-c5 2.d2-e3 f6-g5 3.c1-d2 g7-f6 4.c3-b4 g5-h4 5.b4xd6 c7xc3 6.d2xb4 b6-a5
7.g3-f4 a5xc3 8.b2xd4 d8-c7 9.a3-b4 f6-g5 10.b4-a5 e7-d6 11.d4-c5 d6xb4 12.a5xc3 f8-e7
13.f4-e5 h8-g7 14.a1-b2 a7-b6 15.e3-d4 g7-f6 16.e5xg7 h6xf8 17.h2-g3 e7-d6
18.f2-e3 h4xf2 19.e1xg3 f8-g7 20.g3-f4 g7-h6 21.g1-f2 b6-a5 22.f2-g3 g5-h4
23.b2-a3 h4xf2 24.e3xg1 c7-b6 25.d4-e5 d6-c5 26.e5-f6 b8-a7 27.a3-b4 c5xa3
28.f6-e7 b6-c5 29.g1-f2 h6-g5 30.f4xh6 c5-b4 31.h6-g7 b4xd2 32.g7-h8 d2-e1
33.f2-e3 a5-b4 34.e7-d8

(110) Francisco Marcelo - Marcin Grzesiak
Ubatuba-desempate, 05-10-2004

1.e3-f4 b6-a5 2.g3-h4 a7-b6 3.h2-g3 f6-g5 4.h4xf6 e7xe3 5.d2xf4 g7-f6 6.g3-h4 f8-e7
7.f2-e3 d6-c5 8.c3-d4 c7-d6 9.b2-c3 b8-a7 10.e1-d2 f6-g5 11.h4xf6 e7xg5 12.d4-e5 c5-b4
13.a3xe7 d8xf2 14.g1xe3 g5-h4 15.a1-b2 h6-g5 16.f4xh6 h4-g3 17.e3-f4 g3xe5
18.d2-e3 b6-c5 19.b2-a3 a7-b6 20.c1-d2 e5-f4 21.e3xg5 c5-d4 22.c3xe5 h8-g7
23.h6xf8 b6-c5 24.f8xb4 a5xe1 25.g5-h6 e1-c3

(118) Yury Anikeev - Belocheev
Ubatuba-desempate, 05-10-2004

1.e3-d4 f6-e5 2.d4xf6 g7xe5 3.g3-h4 h8-g7 4.c3-b4 g7-f6 5.b4-a5 b6-c5 6.f2-g3 f8-g7
7.e1-f2 a7-b6 8.d2-e3 e5-f4 9.e3xg5 h6xf4 10.g3xe5 f6xd4 11.c1-d2 d6-e5 12.f2-g3 e7-f6
13.d2-c3 e5-f4 14.g3xe5 d4-e3 15.h2-g3 f6xd4 16.c3xe5 e3-d2 17.b2-c3 d2xb4 18.a5xc3

(119) Augusto  Carvalho - Dosca
Ubatuba-desempate, 05-10-2004

1.g3-f4 b6-a5 2.c3-b4 a5xc3 3.d2xb4 f6-e5 4.h2-g3 g7-f6 5.c1-d2 f6-g5 6.g3-h4 e5xg3
7.h4xf6 e7xg5 8.f2xf6 f8-e7 9.b2-c3 e7xg5 10.b4-c5 d6xb4 11.a3xc5 h8-g7 12.e1-f2 g5-f4
13.e3xg5 h6xf4 14.a1-b2 g7-h6 15.c3-d4 h6-g5 16.g1-h2 g5-h4 17.b2-c3 d8-e7
18.f2-e3 c7-b6 19.e3xg5 h4xf6 20.d2-e3 b8-c7 21.h2-g3

(120) Iser Kuperman - Francisco Jovino
Ubatuba-desempate, 05-10-2004

1.g3-f4 f6-g5 2.c3-b4 b6-a5 3.b4-c5 d6xb4 4.a3xc5 g7-f6 5.b2-c3 h8-g7 6.a1-b2 g5-h4
7.f4-g5 h6xf4 8.e3xg5 h4-g3 9.f2xh4 g7-h6 10.g1-f2 h6xf4 11.f2-e3 f6-g5 12.h4xf6 e7xg5
13.c5-d6 c7xe5 14.e3-d4 g5-h4 15.d4xf6 h4-g3 16.f6-g7 f8xh6 17.c3-d4 b8-c7
18.d2-e3 f4xd2 19.h2xf4 c7-d6 20.e1xc3 d6-c5 21.d4xb6 a7xc5 22.c1-d2 d8-e7
23.b2-a3 e7-f6 24.d2-e3 f6-g5 25.f4-e5 g5-h4 26.e3-f4 h4-g3 27.f4xh2 h6-g5
28.e5-f6 g5xe7 29.h2-g3 e7-d6 30.g3-f4 a5-b4 31.c3xa5 c5-d4 32.a3-b4

(121) Varik Raido - Kandaurov
Ubatuba-desempate, 05-10-2004

1.e3-d4 d6-c5 2.d2-e3 c7-d6 3.c3-b4 b6-a5 4.d4xb6 a5xc7 5.b4-c5 d6xb4 6.a3xc5 f6-g5
7.e3-f4 g5xe3 8.f2xd4 h6-g5 9.e1-d2 g7-h6 10.g3-f4 g5xe3 11.d4xf2 h8-g7 12.b2-c3 g7-f6
13.c3-d4 f6-g5 14.a1-b2 e7-f6 15.f2-e3 c7-d6 16.c5xe7 f8xd6 17.h2-g3 a7-b6
18.g3-h4 b8-a7 19.b2-a3 f6-e5 20.d4xf6 g5xe7 21.a3-b4 b6-a5 22.d2-c3 a7-b6
23.c1-b2 b6-c5 24.b2-a3 h6-g5 25.h4xf6 e7xg5 26.g1-h2 g5-h4 27.e3-f4 h4-g3
28.f4-g5 g3-f2 29.g5-f6 f2-e1 30.f6-g7


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